Jimmy Kimmel Spots Right-Wing Media's Weirdest New Obsession

Jimmy Kimmel said right-wing media appears to be setting itself up for life after Donald Trump, given his mounting legal woes and possible indictment in Georgia.

And it’s already getting even weirder than you might expect.

“With Trump on the ropes, the right-wing crank channels, they have to find new things to get mad about,” Kimmel said, then pointed to a report on Newsmax that claims liberals want people to mate with short people.

That’s a reference to this recent guest column in The New York Times.

“I’m not kidding, the left wants you to hook up with little people to fight climate change,” declared Eric Bolling, who went on to claim that shorter people are psychopaths and pointed to Hillary Clinton and Charles Manson as examples.

“You can’t argue with science,” Kimmel fired back sarcastically.

See more in his Tuesday night monologue: