Jimmy Kimmel has a theory about why Trump picked Mike Pence to lead America's coronavirus effort

Wednesday marked the beginning of Lent, and Jimmy Kimmel said he's giving up most human touch. "Today is Ash Wednesday, so, you know, if you see someone with ashes on their forehead today it means either they went to church or, if you're here in Hollywood, put a joint out on their face," he joked on Jimmy Kimmel Live. Pope Francis "is encouraging us to stop insulting each other online," but "I'm giving up the handshake for Lent," he said, noting that experts say countries like Japan have a better shot at containing the virus because they bow instead.

"The president is doing everything he can to calm this nation's nerves," tweeting out an attack on the media while misspelling coronavirus, Kimmel said. "He's right — why is the liberal media only focusing on the negative side of the coronavirus? It's so biased. This is all part of his 'If you can't spell it, you can't catch it' campaign." Trump actually held a press conference, and it was "a rambling presentation" in which "he downplayed the virus, he said the flu kills a lot more people than the coronavirus, so I guess we shouldn't worry. I don't know, alligators have killed more people, too, but it doesn't mean we should go jump in the swamp."

Trump also said he had picked Vice President Mike Pence to lead the U.S. response to the coronavirus. "Didn't it seem like Pence didn't know that was going to happen?" Kimmel asked, laughing. Seriously, "why is Mike Pence in charge? What is his plan to stop the virus? Abstinence? I think Trump might be trying to kill him, I really do." Watch below.

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