Need a job? These Whatcom listings pay a living wage and have simple requirements

Finding a job that pays enough to support for you and your family without a long list of job requirements can be difficult. When you factor in the costs of housing, utilities, local grocery prices and other necessities, jobs that pay a low wage may not cover basic living expenses.

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology calculated the living wage by county by evaluating typical expenses to find how much an individual must make hourly to support themselves, or multiple children or dependents in a full-time job.

MIT records living wages for individuals, couples and families that vary based on the number of dependents, number of children and the number of adults who are working. The living wages have also increased compared to January’s calculations, according to previous reporting in The Bellingham Herald:

Whatcom County’s living wage for an individual with no dependents is $17.47 per hour, working full time.

For a household with two adults, no children, and only one individual working, a living wage in Whatcom County is $27.62 per hour.

For a household with two adults, no children and both adults working, the living wage is $13.81 per hour.

For a household with two adults, one child, and only one adult working, the living wage is $34.53 per hour. If this household had two children the living wage would be $39.51 an hour.

For a household with two adults and two children and both adults working, the living wage is $25.98 per hour. If the family had three children, both individuals would need to make $32.10 per hour.

As Washington state’s minimum wage is $15.74 per hour, this amount is not considered a living wage in Whatcom County unless you have multiple adults working in a household with no dependents.

The Bellingham Herald has searched the job website Indeed and local Craiglist listings to find positions with minimal requirements that are available as of Monday, April 17, that advertise wages at or above living wages:

House cleaner at Merry Maids



$17-$21 per hour.

Valid driver’s license required.

U.S. Postal Service mail carrier

Bellingham, Lynden and Blaine.

Part-time and full-time.

$19-$33 per hour.

No requirements listed.

Plywood press trainee at Mt. Baker Products, Inc.



$23.50 per hour.

Must be at least 18 years old and no experience is needed.

Park worker for the city of Bellingham



$23.08 per hour.

Requirements: valid driver’s license, experience in grounds maintenance and the ability to obtain specific certifications and work.

For those looking for a job, the Port of Bellingham is also hosting its 2nd annual marine trade industry job fair and try-a-trade day from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Thursday, May 4. Employers such as Westwind Marine, Trident Seafoods, Dakota Creek Industries, Inc. and Bellingham Technical College will be at the event. The event is at Fisherman’s Pavilion at 2599 S. Harbor Loop Drive in Bellingham.