John Krasinski and Steve Carell Had a Virtual Office Reunion

John Krasinski and Steve Carell Had a Virtual Office Reunion

If you've felt like there's been a shortage of pure good news in the world lately, let John Krasinski and Steve Carell's The Office reunion be a balm to soothe your anxieties.

On Sunday, Krasinski shared video of the two of them meeting up (virtually and socially distanced, of course) in light of The Office's 15-year anniversary, for his new YouTube series, Some Good News.

Like most of us who are housebound at the moment, they exchanged some light banter about getting video chats to work, and how Krasinski is very likely not wearing suit pants to match his jacket and tie, before getting into what we all came for — their favorite memories from The Office set.

“I was a waiter when I got that job, I was 23 years old," Krasinski recalled. "After the pilot, I went back to waiting tables because I was sure nothing was going to happen with it. We all kind of came into it with that vibe. I remember none of us had done anything huge."

Upon Krasinski's prompting, they looked to some of their favorite episodes to film — including the objectively best episodes, "Dinner Party" and "Fun Run."

"It’s such a happy surprise that after all these years, people are still tuning in and finding it today, it’s pretty cool," Carell said.

And while we're all clamoring for a reunion, Krasinski said, "hopefully one day, we just get to reunite as people, and just all get to say hi" once, presumably, we're all able to stop social distancing.

The coronavirus isolation measures may have rendered some of us stir-crazy, but at least Krasinski is being productive in this strange, uncertain time.

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As for us, we'll be on the couch binge-watching The Office again.