John Lewis sends staff back to school to improve customer service

John Lewis store
John Lewis store

John Lewis has opened a “school of service” to teach staff to provide a better customer experience amid criticism that standards in stores have been ­slipping in recent years.

There are plans to retrain 500 staff before Christmas, in hopes a renewed focus on helping shoppers will boost sales.

The school has four classrooms and one theatre, and is located inside the John Lewis store in Stratford, London.

If the voluntary programme proves effective, the retailer could expand the school to other parts of the country as well as to its sister supermarket Waitrose.

Retail pundits and customers have complained about a deterioration in customer service at John Lewis in recent years amid store closures and thousands of job cuts, threatening a ­reputation for superior experiences built up over decades.

The mutual said in July that it wanted to invest more in customer service roles after it announced it would cut 1,000 jobs at John Lewis and Waitrose as part of a shake-up of store management.

The “school of service” is the latest effort from Dame Sharon White, the chairman, to turn the retailer around. She has been sharply cutting costs while attempting to maintain morale.

Nick Bubb, an independent retail analyst, said: “Haven’t we heard this sort of stuff from John Lewis before? Motivating staff at a time of labour shortages is easier if pay and bonuses are improved.”

Some John Lewis and Waitrose employees demanded last month to be paid the “real living wage”, claiming they were on “poverty wages” and have struggled financially as a result.

A John Lewis spokesman said the ­initiative “reinforced our principles of putting customers at the heart of what we do”.
