Johnson County Sheriff’s Office urges caution amid rise in scam phone calls

Johnson County residents should be on the lookout for scam callers impersonating police personnel, the sheriff’s office said Wednesday.

The Johnson County Sheriff’s Office has seen an increase in the number of scam reports in recent weeks, including residents who say they received calls claiming to be from the sheriff’s office.

Scam callers ask for payment to get out of an arrest warrant or for fines from missing a court date or jury duty, the sheriff’s office said.

While officers may call residents regarding arrest warrants, they will never ask for payment, the sheriff’s office said. Questions about outstanding warrants can be directed to the warrants department at 913-715-5212.

The sheriff’s office urges anyone who receives a call from someone claiming to be a police officer to get the name, title and return number for the caller, and then hang up and call the sheriff’s department at 913-715-5400 to check that the caller is actually an officer.

The sheriff’s office also discourages people from making payments or giving out personal information over the phone.

“Always be skeptical — anyone can be targeted,” the sheriff’s office said in a statement.