The Jordanian who rebuilt his life after losing both legs

STORY: Meet Omar, a self-taught carpenter

who works without the use of his legs

Location: Amman, Jordan

He drove trucks between Jordan and Iraq

transporting oil during the Saddam era

[Omar Al Mashaarah, Jordanian carpenter]

“After the oil ran out, we were forced to get water from Basra and distribute it to families. It was not safe at all. At 10am, I was attacked by bandits who tried to steal my truck. Unfortunately I lost my legs during this incident.”

Unable to drive for long distances, the 55-year-old

father of two decided on a different path

He taught himself carpentry 18 years ago

and opened a workshop

He makes wooden boxes, pots for plants

and home accessories for businesses

“I am working not just to cover my expenses, but also as a kind of worship to God. I want to be a productive member of society who can meet the needs of my family. I do not only support myself, I also support my children and other people.”

Jordan already has high joblessness, and

Omar's disability adds another challenge

[SOURCE: Jordan Labor Watch]

Only 7.7% of adults with disabilities

are employed here

“It is not the end of my life if I only lose my legs. No, there is more to life.”