I Just Learned A Fact About The Movie "Titanic" That Will Stick With Me Forever, Like, It Took 24 Years For Me To Learn This Is How They Filmed The Sinking

So, I love a good Titanic fact.

Smiling older people sitting on a couch with a laptop
Wavebreakmedia / Getty Images / iStockphoto

I am who I am because of that movie!


I was scrolling through TikTok and came across a behind-the-scenes video while thinking I had seen it all!


I had...not.


This was the TikTok, which was posted by @fitzdizzel48:

You're telling me that's a miniature hallway?!




For those who can't watch the TikTok, you remember this specific scene from the movie?

Paramount Picutres / Via youtube.com

Well, it was always a miniature set.

A man stares down in a miniature hallway
Paramount Picutres / Via youtube.com

It was basically a mini dollhouse.

A man places props in the hallway
Paramount Picutres

And they had only one opportunity to flood it.

A man looks at a tiny chair
Paramount Picutres / Via youtube.com

And apparently the trick worked because for 24 years, I thought this was a real movie set:

A picture of the hallway being filmed with water
Paramount Pictures

Movie magic! Go figure.

