Just in time for Valentine's Day: a 'play' in your mailbox

Plays open, and plays close. That's nothing new. But "The Love Letter Plays," coming this Valentine's season to a mailbox near you, is a little different. This is a play you open yourself. With a paper knife.

This "play" is in the form of three actual love letters, in sealed envelopes, that will arrive to your house periodically in the weeks leading up to Valentine's Day (deadline for the signup is Jan. 25).

It's an idea, conceived by Mountain Lakes native Sean Pollock, that grew out of the pandemic.

Live theater was mostly out for the duration — so why not deliver one-on-one, personal theater right to your doorstep? It was successful enough, last year, that Pollock is expanding it for 2023.

"I guess I just called it a play because, at that point, I didn't really know what a play is anymore, since you can't physically perform them," Pollock said. "Now people are going again, of course."

He's not the first theater person who had to get extra creative during the quarantine period. The COVID epidemic has been a golden age for streaming theater, audio theater, outside-the-box theater of all kinds. There had even been theater-by-mail before.

But nobody had ever taken on, as a theme, the annual orgy of sentiment that comes every Feb. 14, ready or not.

The Love Letter Play
The Love Letter Play

" 'The Love Letter Plays' is like a celebration of Valentine's Day, in the sense that it doesn't say 'f**k you' to Valentine's Day, or anything like that," Pollock said. "But I would also say, it's satirizing the over-the-top, romantic sentiments of Valentine's Day."

Hearts and flowers

Mostly, it's all tongue-in-cheek, he said. There's nothing pornographic in the material. But there is some edgy stuff: PG-13 verging on R. "I'm a millennial, I tend to make work for my age range," he said. "I would say this is not for a sweet old lady. But maybe it is."

Last year, Pollock sought out cult comedy writer Austin Bowers (you may know him from the Comedy Central series "Nathan for You"), to write the three letters, which told an interconnected story about a single relationship. This year, he's doing something different.

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For "The Love Letter Plays" 2.0, each of the letters is a self-contained drama, assigned to a different writer. The first will be by comedian Ruthy Ferrera, the second by writer-actor Jessica Chen, the third by "comic memer" Ena Dapaah. You can get all three for $30, or get individual letters for $12 apiece. Space is limited; this year Pollock can accommodate 40 subscribers (up from 25 last year).

"I have a really small team," said Pollock, who now lives in New York. "Myself and my intern print out all these letters."

Assistant Nathalie Gregorie, Sean Pollock preparing the love letters
Assistant Nathalie Gregorie, Sean Pollock preparing the love letters

This year is different, too, in that the plays-in-an-envelope will be — in a sense — immersive.

The first is told from the perspective of a woman in a long-term relationship who is trying to reach the lover who is ghosting her. It's in the form of a postcard with a QR code — which will give readers access to videos in which the woman is making her pitch from various New York locations.

The envelope will also contain various odds and ends — a leaf from the park, a coffee shop business card — that relate to romantic spots that are referenced in the story. "It's props, connected to places she wants to go to," Pollock said.

The second letter is told from the point of view of someone on a date with an imaginary celebrity. "It's like fan fiction," Pollock said. It will come with "fragrance tester strips," like the kind you see at department store perfume counters, that will bring the episode to odorous life.

The third letter is a ransom note from the Zodiac Killer.

That one, naturally, is told with cut-out letters from magazines and newspapers. It, too, will contain souvenirs: a lock of hair, a piece of hard candy, a pearl from a string. "It's from the perspective of someone who has different romantic conquests for each zodiac sign, and then kills them and keeps something," Pollock said.

Off the beaten track

Nothing that Pollock has done, as performer, director, writer, producer and designer, is quite as offbeat as this. Though a few things have come close.

"Nothing I do is conventional," said Pollock, the founder of the horror and sci-fi-themed Macabre Theatre Ensemble at Ithaca College. In 2018 he helped launch Unattended Baggage, a theater and media company inspired by a sign that Pollock and one of the co-founders, Alyssa Berdie, happened upon at a Pennsylvania train station.

The "Unattended Baggage" sign that inspired a theater company: founding member Emma Howard, Sean Pollock
The "Unattended Baggage" sign that inspired a theater company: founding member Emma Howard, Sean Pollock

"One of us made a joke: What about our emotional baggage? Can we leave that unattended?" he said. "That became the name of our company."

And as a matter of fact, there is a lot of emotional baggage connected with Valentine's Day — a holiday that not all of us regard with unmixed pleasure.

For the single, the sight of couples dining romantically in overpriced restaurants and exchanging Russell Stover candy boxes can feel like Rubbing It In. And even for the partnered, the obligations to get flowers and send cards can become oppressive.

"I am 30 years old, and I've never been in a relationship on Valentine's Day before," Pollock said. "It can be frustrating at times, and I think it's a really easy holiday for people to feel left out of in some ways. There is so much pressure, in the media, for people to be in monogamous relationships. So many things are designed for couples, from something as banal as buying tickets together, to joint bank accounts and mortgages. So many things are presumptively designed with the idea that people will be in a couple."

The Love Letter Plays
The Love Letter Plays

So "The Love Letter Plays" might be a good consolation prize for you, or any friends who feel left out on Feb. 14.

Which isn't to say that the happily partnered might not also enjoy them. As long as they're down with humor that — literally — pushes the envelope.

"I think it's a good gift for yourself, or someone who is alone on Valentine's Day," Pollock said. "And maybe for a potential partner, to measure their sense of humor or creativity.

"But if you're trying to woo them over, probably not."

To purchase, visit: unattendedbaggagecompany.com

This article originally appeared on NorthJersey.com: Valentine's Day theater, a play that comes special delivery via mail