Justin Bieber's Dad's Vile Tweet About Pride Leaves Fans Furious

Justin Bieber and Jeremy Bieber
Justin Bieber and Jeremy Bieber
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Justin Bieber’s dad Jeremy Bieber sparked outrage today when he posted an offensive message on social media during Pride Month.

In a since-deleted tweet, the elder Bieber shared a homophobic meme that features a rainbow flag with the message, “Don’t forget to thank a straight person this month for your existence” printed over the top.

The homophobic post is insulting and doesn’t acknowledge that the LGBTQ+ community have children too. Not only that, but it also overlooks the myriad ways people can have kids, like surrogacy, IVF, and adoption.

This anti-LGBTQ+ meme comes on the heels of the pop star’s dad taking to Twitter on June 5 to "celebrate families" and criticize young people, “We need to celebrate families. U know the reason we’re all here! The things this generation glorifies is unbelievable!”

While this tweet may seem innocuous to some, we recognize a “family values” dog whistle when we see one.

Justin has yet to comment on his dad’s homophobic tweet, but the rest of Twitter was quick to criticize him, with one poster writing, “Oh, well isnt that just lovely! Justin Biebers dad just had to add some more negativity to the world by spewing offensive comments about the LGBTQ community. Thank goodness hes there to remind us to thank the straight people for our existence this month.”

More people chimed in with tweets like, “Straight people are not the only people who reproduce. Your sexual orientation does not stop the function of your reproductive organs” and “It's like straight people have to talk about gays for people to listen, because when they talk about themselves no one listens”

Although the “Yummy” singer hasn’t commented on his dad’s tweet, he did respond to a question about homosexuality in a 2011 Rolling Stone interview.

“It’s everyone’s own decision to do that,” he said at the time — despite sexual orientation not being a person’s choice. “It doesn’t affect me and shouldn’t affect anyone else.”

While this is a marked improvement over his father’s rhetoric, we won’t be handing him an ally card just yet, since, you know, being gay isn't a choice.