Who is Justin Moore, Huntersville Board of Commissioners candidate?

Name: Justin Moore

Age: 40

Campaign website or social media page: None listed

Occupation: Attorney


J.D., William and Mary Law School

B.S., Criminal Justice, Appalachian State University

Have you run for elected office before? (Please list previous offices sought):

Yes. I served in the NC House in 2016. I ran for Superior Court Judge in 2014 and Huntersville Town Commissioner before in 2005.

Please list your highlights of civic involvement.

Member, N.C. House

Member, Huntersville Parks and Recreation Commission

Member, Huntersville Planning Board

What one professional or political accomplishment are you most proud of?

Being a member of the North Carolina House of Representatives.

Traffic is an issue in Huntersville while a few critical road projects, such as the widening of N.C. 73, have been delayed by NCDOT. How would you tackle the town’s traffic problem?

I would focus on making sure that our growth is supported by the roads we have and that we don’t overbuild our community in comparison to our road capacity.

What are your ideas about how the town should recruit and retain more police officers specifically? And all town employees more broadly?

I think we have to have salaries that are comparable to other cities in our region for incoming police officers. I will work with the town manager to make sure that all our town staff feel our community is the right one for them to serve.

Huntersville has experienced rapid population growth over the last few decades with the approval of hundreds of new homes. Do you think the town should control growth in some way or keep expanding? Why?

I think the town should limit growth to what our infrastructure can handle. Growth cannot come at the cost of the quality of life of current residents. It is hard enough to get around town as it is, and that’s why I decided to run.

Why should voters choose you over others who are in the race?

I think my background in local and state government makes me the best person for the job.