'Juwanna Man' Actor Miguel Núñez Revealed His Real Age And You Would Never Believe It

Folks are stunned after actor Miguel Núñez Jr. revealed his age. The Juwanna Mann actor made the stunning revelation when he appeared on the Pedis & Mimosas show.

“I’m 63,” Núñez said as other people on the set refused to believe his answer.

The actor then gloated about the state of his health at his age.

“I can run a thousand miles, play 100 games of basketball, I don’t need Viagra,” he said during the interview. “I got abs 24-7. I haven’t worked out. I eat anything I want and I never get tired.”

Some social media users are still not sure what to believe.

Adding to the confusion, Google has listed the actor as 58 years old.

Some people are just surprised to learn the movie star’s name.

Núñez had also revealed his age three years ago when he appeared on The DL Hughley Show.

“People hear I’m 60 and they can’t believe it,” he said at the time.

The actor made a similar statement about his health when he spoke with Hughley.

“I’ll take anybody’s son you got and I’ll play them 20 games of basketball and they will huff and puff before me,” he said. “I never workout. I have not been sick in 30 years. No cold, no flu, no nothing.”

Núñez said research has proven that laughter is the key to good health.