Katie Holmes Is Bringing Back a Very Surprising Shoe Trend

When Katie Holmes makes an interesting fashion choice, we no longer question it. After all, she's the same woman who helped make cardigans sexy again, and also taught us a sweet coat hack that has gotten us through some chilly days. So, while her latest footwear choice did make us do a double take, we have a feeling that Holmes is onto something. She's proven, time and time again, that she's ahead of new fashion trends.

Stepping out in New York City, wearing a striped sweater and distressed, baggy jeans, Holmes's lace-up, oxford shoes are what immediately caught our eye. They were dark, and sparkly, and...very 2012. They reminded us of shoes that Taylor Swift wore, back in her "Red" album era.

Kevin Kane
Kevin Kane

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Considering all the old trends that have recently made a comeback, we definitely don't hate this look. After all, oxford shoes are super versatile, and while they clearly look great with a casual outfit, they can be paired with a dress for a more feminine vibe, too. They also work for the summer months — back in the day, Swift was known to style hers with shorts. In theory, they're pretty much a more elevated sneaker.

Will these shoes be the next big thing? We'll be keeping our eye out to see more celebs hop on board.