Kayla Martin named Greater Alliance Carnation Festival queen

ALLIANCE – All hail Kayla Martin. She is now to be considered royalty.

The 19-year-old college student was crowned the 2022 Greater Alliance Carnation Festival queen on Saturday night at Alliance High School.

Martin was chosen from a group of 14 contestants during the 62nd annual pageant. Five judges also named her Miss Congeniality.

2022 Queen Profiles: 14 women to seek Carnation Queen crown

Carnation Festival: Voting begins for display contest

The other members of the court were First Attendant Chloe Orzo, Second Attendant Catarina Hagan and Third Attendant Kenna McElroy.

Kayla Martin, 19, a sophomore at the University of Mount Union and 2021 graduate of Alliance High School, was crowned 2022 Carnation Festival Queen on Saturday, July 30, 2022.
Kayla Martin, 19, a sophomore at the University of Mount Union and 2021 graduate of Alliance High School, was crowned 2022 Carnation Festival Queen on Saturday, July 30, 2022.

"I honestly did not think I would be queen. There were so many girls who deserved it," Martin said afterward. "But I am happy and excited to honor the city."

Martin, the daughter of Almetra Hawkins, entered the pageant with a friend Olivia Bertolini, who finished in the Top 8.

"And I'm so happy I did it," Martin said. "I met so many amazing girls here."

Martin, a 2021 graduate of Alliance High School, is a sophomore at the University of Mount Union studying to become a child life specialist. A child life specialist is a healthcare professional who helps children and families through traumatic injuries or illnesses. "They make them comfortable," Martin said.

Her pageant entry was sponsored by beauty salon RL Xperience.

Hypothetical question for the victory?

After the pageant, Martin's mom said she was elated about her daughter's pageant success.

Kayla Martin
Kayla Martin

"I'm so excited for her," Hawkins said. "I didn't think she'd get both, but I'm really proud of her."

She believes, as did other friends and relatives, that Martin's humorous answer to a hypothetical question might've helped her win the crown.

"If your home was on fire and you could only grabbed two things, what would they be and why?"

Her response: "My brother Kruiz because he's my heart and I love my siblings. I think the rest could make it out but Kruiz might be a little delayed. And the second thing I would grab would be the MacBook because that would be an expensive replacement."

Her words drew a laugh from the crowd.

More: Little princesses celebrate with Carnation Festival royalty

At the reception, her brother Kruiz Grimes, 12, said he's certain he could escape a house fire on his own but loved that her answer helped.

Farewell, Torrie

Martin's coronation brought an end to another festival royal reign. The 2021 queen, Torrie Forrest, and her court – First Attendant Madeline Davis, Second Attendant Bethany Caruthers and Third Attendant Leah Springer – said their goodbyes.

More: Torrie Forrest crowned 2021 Carnation Festival queen

They also shared a video of their 12-month adventure and congratulated Martin, her attendants and the other 10 girls who participated in Saturday's pageant.

"For 12 months, my court and I have made so many memories and grown close together," Forrest said. "No matter where life takes me, I'll never forget the impact this pageant and city had on my life. Being Carnation Queen has given me many opportunities to learn about my home city of Alliance. I learned more about this city in one year than I had in all 18 years of my life. I wouldn't take this experience for the world."

At the Queen's Reception, following Saturday night's 2022 Carnation Festival Queen Pageant, the new queen and her court share a photo with last year's royalty. Pictured (left to right), front row: 2022 First Attendant Chloe Orzo, Queen Kayla Martin, Second Attendant Catarina Hagan and Third Attendant Kenna McElroy. Martin also was Miss Congeniality. Back row: 2021 First Attendant Madeline Davis, Queen Torrie Forrest, Second Attendant and Miss Congeniality Bethany Caruthers and Third Attendant Leah Springer.

Following the pageant, Martin said she and her court hope to make "great" impact over the next 12 months.

"I think it will be full of fun and memories," she said. ""I know me and the other girls have a lot planned."

Reach Benjamin Duer at 330-580-8567 or ben.duer@cantonrep.com. On Twitter: @bduerREP.

2022 Carnation Festival royalty

QUEEN – Kayla Martin, 19, daughter of Almetra Hawkins

FIRST ATTENDANT – Chloe Orzo, 18, daughter of Bridget and Brian Briggs, and Brian Orzo

SECOND ATTENDANT – Catarina Hagan, 18, daughter of Josh and Sara Hagan

THIRD ATTENDANT – Kenna McElroy, 18, daughter of Bryan and Sylvia McElroy


This article originally appeared on The Repository: Kayla Martin named Greater Alliance Carnation Festival queen