Keep your butts off the ground; respect mask-wearers' choice: Letters, August 7, 2022

Elementary student: It's your right to smoke, but it's not your right to litter

People have always smoked and I've always seen it and I've wondered why they do that. My parents told me it's bad for your health and I always thought it was so disgusting. You're putting smoke into your mouth. You're just going to make it harder and harder to breathe. That is how a lot of cancers have started, from smoking.

It's your right to smoke, but it's not your right to litter. I saw a guy smoking one day and he threw his cigarette right out of the car window onto the ground. That hurt me so bad and made me feel horrible. I was so mad. Because of cigarette littering, people are hurting Mother Earth and making it dirtier and dirtier. People like to go to the beach and play around, but guess what? There are cigarettes everywhere! One time I was walking down the beach with my friend and I stepped on a cigarette. I kept looking at the ground afterwards and saw so many more.

I don't get why people think it is legal to throw their cigarettes on the ground. You are littering and when you litter, you are breaking a law.

Cora Ouellette, age 9, Jensen Beach Elementary

Parents and community members have acted to protect our children

The past few years have been unnecessarily hard for parents, grandparents, teachers, community members and administration in the Indian River County School District. Our students were forced to endure rogue COVID-19 protocols; sexually explicit library books (still on the shelves); and the LGBTQ Administration Guide (just permanently removed by our parents, grandparents and community members).

Most opinion media have been defending the "woke" school board and administration for years by giving opinions and not facts. On most of the 4-1 votes in the past few years Jacqueline Rosario was the constant voice of reason.

The left-wing liberals are doing a fantastic job of trying to destroy our country through our children and we cannot allow this any more. We are seeing behind the education curtain and while we seek to partner with school districts, we do not co-parent with the government.

Our group fixed IRCSD’s unlawful COVID-19 protocols at the state level. No more mandatory masking and quarantining of asymptomatic, healthy children. We will be challenging about 200 library books for sexually explicit content once the new state laws are implemented. We have the best curriculum currently for our children thanks to our parents, grandparents and community members and will continue this year with the adoption of a new curriculum for Science/Social Studies.

My best advice as a mom, taxpayer and someone who has held the district accountable the past few years  … keep your children out of the public school libraries for now. Beware of blanket permission slips that take away your rights to direct the care of your own child or children and review everything before you sign.

Jennifer Pippin, Sebastian, is chair of the Indian River County chapter of Moms for Liberty.

Moms for Liberty co-founders Tiffany Justice, left, and Tina Descovich greet attendees as they open the first Moms for Liberty National Summit on July 15, 2022 in Tampa, Florida. The convention continued through July 17 with conservative speakers and strategy sessions for members.
Moms for Liberty co-founders Tiffany Justice, left, and Tina Descovich greet attendees as they open the first Moms for Liberty National Summit on July 15, 2022 in Tampa, Florida. The convention continued through July 17 with conservative speakers and strategy sessions for members.

Don't arm teachers; equip classrooms with bulletproof doors

There are thousands of committees in this country whose main objective is to decide how best to protect students from mass shootings. They are spending billions on “experts,” "consultants" and others to arrive at solutions, most of what I have read will not work. Arm the teacher! Well, a 50-year-old teacher armed with a 9mm against someone with an AR-15 and body armor won’t last three seconds. More police protection! That didn't work in Texas.

Most of those killed it the schools were shot in the classrooms. So the obvious solution is to protect the classroom. We spend tens of millions of dollars building a school so when you build or remodel it then just put a bulletproof door on the classroom that self-locks when closed. If he can't get in or see who’s there he will be stymied and have to move on. Sometimes the simplest solution is the best.

Edward Marasi, Port St. Lucie

Masking now a personal choice, but respect others' decision to wear one

Recently, on a beautiful sunny afternoon I was walking into Publix. As I approached the sliding doors, a man exiting said pointedly, "Enough with the f***ing masks, already.”

My issues with his lack of civility aside (which has long since left much of public discourse), I was frustrated because this man didn't know my personal situation. Perhaps I'm the caretaker for my grandmother with COPD who can't be vaccinated; perhaps I live with an immunocompromised loved one; perhaps I myself am currently undergoing chemo leaving my own immune system battered.

In my actual case (and it certainly isn't his business as he is not my doctor, confessor, or partner), I was recently recovered from COVID-19. While likely not infectious, I still wanted to take precautions to protect those around me.

As masking has been left to personal choice, I'd like to give a gentle yet stern reminder to all in our community that we don't know our fellow neighbor's medical plights, conditions, and requirements; keep your nose and opinions out of other people's medical decisions.

Micah Hartowski, Stuart

Vero Beach city council isn’t spending taxpayer money wisely

I’ve spoken at many state, regional, and local government meetings, but I’ve never seen a public comment period handled quite like those at Vero Beach City Council meetings. I spoke at their last meeting with facts — they’re charging homeowners and businesses a new tax based on the amount of paving on properties and using federal COVID-19 money for a nebulous lagoon project, while pushing to dump tons more cement along the banks of the lagoon for a bigger boat storage building and the Three Corners build-out. They also want to add more boat docks. They’re donating $1 million taxpayer dollars to the school district,  dollars they call “our money.” It’s my contention they’re raising taxes during difficult times and they’re not spending the people’s money wisely.

Typically, during comment periods, you’re there to give your opinion on a public matter or inform the council of information related to a matter before them. If something’s incorrect, the head of the body can correct it on the record after the speaker is finished, but that’s it. It’s not a time to debate the issue or criticize.

I left early but should have stayed. At the end of the meeting, the mayor felt compelled to recognize my comments and charge them as politically motivated. My comments were to the entire council and fact-based; they all voted on new taxes and spending.

I and many others around the community have expressed concern about many issues, from the council’s handling of Three Corners to the Marina mess to their handling of the water/sewer utility. Belittling a commenter doesn’t erase their record of votes or give them cover. If they can’t take the heat, they should get out of public office, and stop whining.

Susan Mehiel, Vero Beach

Editor's note: The signature of Susan Mehiel’s recent emails to the newspaper said she is “supporting Dr. Karen Hiltz for the FL House.” Hiltz’s opponent in the District 34 Republican primary: Robert Brackett, mayor of Vero Beach.

The Federal Reserve is trying to slow the economy without a recession

A recession is defined by the National Bureau of Economic Research's Business Cycle Dating Committee. Not Fox News, MSNBC or the myriad of talking heads, blogs, newspapers or magazines. But it does get the listener's attention so we hear a lot about it. According to the NBER a recession is “a significant decline in economic activity that is spread across the economy and that lasts more than a few months.” The variables the committee typically tracks include real personal income minus government transfers, employment, various forms of real consumer spending, and industrial production.

All the indicators listed above are up with one exception. Industrial production is down for June by 0.1% but up by 6.1% for the quarter. Consumer spending is still up but moderating, which is exactly the Fed's intention.

The Federal Reserve has raised interest rates three times this year for a total of 2.25%. Their purpose in doing so was to slow down the economy, which it has done — hence the two quarters of negative GDP growth. The economy was running too hot (5.67% growth in 2021, the largest since the 1980s), which is one of the main reasons for inflation. After the worst of the pandemic demand exploded and and prices went up. The United States is having the same problem as the rest of the world, along with other problems such as excessive corporate profit-taking and shipping costs.

Jo Fuller, Port St. Lucie

More in-person voting means more polluting car travel

Norman Grant, in his Aug. 4 letter, expressed suspicion because there was less rejection of mail-in ballots in 2020 than in previous years. He seemed to imply fraud, and he found statistics pointing to “blue” Democrat-run states. I waded in and found people just got smart: designed better ballots, got them out earlier, set up websites so voters could learn, and check on their ballot.

He wants every voter to get in a car, pollute the air, and stand in the heat to fill in a ballot that may or may not go into the machine properly, and who knows who delivers it to whom for counting?

We lived for 33 years in the second-most-Republican county in the United States, where you were not allowed to vote absentee unless you were deathly ill, or out of the country. Our polling place changed, over and over, till it was too far to walk, or even bike to, and my husband had to take time from his job to drive me up a dangerous road to the high school, where there was very limited parking, and then back home! It occurred to me that someone could sneak in with voters, hide in a hall or bathroom, commit a crime, and walk out later without being detected.

Ben Franklin is credited with making the postal system work, and I appreciate his common sense every day, and his belief in uniting people to accomplish more. Grant is dividing “We the people,” and car travel is polluting our “tiny spaceship earth,” as  Democrat Adlai Stevenson described us.

Helen Frigo, Jensen Beach

This article originally appeared on Treasure Coast Newspapers: Can the litter; respect mask-wearers' choice: Letters, August 7, 2022