Keep your pets joyous this holiday season with these tips from the Potter League

Hi friends – Tuki here from my perch at the Potter League. I’ve seen the staff and volunteers starting to decorate the shelter for the holidays. It’s very exciting, but if you have pets, there are some things you may need to think about so you and your pets can have a fun and safe holiday season.

Decorations always make the house look and feel more festive, but they can be hazards for those curious pets. After all, just like you, they only see these decorations once a year!

How to keep your pets safe from Christmas decorations

● Christmas trees: If you have a Christmas tree, make sure it is stable and secure, so it doesn’t tip over and cause injuries. Cats think it is fun to climb the Christmas tree and while this might make a cute cat-selfie, you may want to anchor the tree to a wall to prevent accidents! Be careful that your pets don’t drink the water in the tree stand. It can contain bacteria or fertilizers that may cause stomach upset and diarrhea.

If you love the glitter of tinsel on your tree, go for it - unless you have a cat! Cats love shiny objects and tinsel fits the bill but nibbling on and swallowing tinsel can lead to a digestive tract obstruction so a tinsel-less tree may be safer.

There are plenty of things to consider this holiday season when pets are around.
There are plenty of things to consider this holiday season when pets are around.

● Plants: Many of the beautiful plants and greens that are used for winter and holiday decorating can cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea in pets if eaten so you may want to use artificial plants and greens. Especially important to avoid are holly, mistletoe, poinsettias, and lilies.

● Holiday lights: We all love the glow of a candle on a cold winter night, but it may be best to avoid lighted candles and opt for the battery-operated kind. If you can’t resist that candle glow (even us birds look better in candlelight!), make sure your candles are on an appropriate candle holder and stable surface – and don’t forget to blow them out when you leave the room! If you use battery-operated or electric lights, keep the wires and batteries out of reach. Nibbling on wires can cause an electric shock and chewing on batteries may cause burns to the mouth.

● Fragile decorations and ornaments: You probably have some beautiful decorations and ornaments that you love to display. If they are breakable, be careful where you put them! If you have a Christmas tree, keep the breakable ornaments near the top and put others near the bottom of the tree just in case those curious pets think they are toys! For other decorations, place them in an area that pets don’t normally go, such as a shelf or bookcase. Of course, this may not be a deterrent to some cats who love to climb and jump so if this describes your cat, take that into consideration!

How to keep you pets safe from holiday foods

Food and beverages are one of the things that people look forward to at the holidays (at least that’s what I heard the staff saying!). You can have special treats for your pets, but there are some human-type treats that pets should avoid.

● Sweets: Chocolate and anything sweetened with xylitol can be harmful to pets so even if your pet thinks they taste good, they are harmful and should be avoided.


● Cocktails: Be sure any festive cocktails you enjoy are kept out of reach of your pets. Some of those festive cocktails smell and taste sweet, but they can be dangerous for pets, even causing coma and death.

● Leftovers: Everyone enjoys leftovers after the holiday meals, but your pets should probably stick to their usual food. Especially important to avoid are grapes, raisins, onions, nuts, bones, and fatty or spicy food.

● Trash: Once the party is over, be sure to secure the trash so your pets don’t get into any unwanted leftovers on their own.

If you are entertaining during the holidays, you want to be sure it is a fun occasion for you while keeping your pet safe.

Space: While humans may enjoy the noise and excitement that comes with the holidays, pets may get overwhelmed with the noise and people. Give them some space where they can get away from the party. For dogs, their crates may work well. Or, put pet beds in a separate, quiet room.

Identification: If you are going to have people coming and going, be sure that your pets are wearing collars with identification tags and that their microchip information is up to date. You don’t want them getting out to look for a party on their own!

New Year’s: New year’s celebrations can get pretty noisy so be sure your pets have a quiet, safe place to go. Again, a separate room with their beds or crates works well. Many communities also have fireworks on New Year’s Eve so if your pet is afraid of fireworks, make sure they have a safe, secure place to before the countdown to midnight starts!

Well folks, I hope these tips help you have a happy and safe holiday season!

‘Till next time, your friend,


Mail questions to Tuki, 87 Oliphant Lane Middletown, RI, 02842, or send email to The Potter League for Animals can be found at 87 Oliphant Lane in Middletown and online at

This article originally appeared on Newport Daily News: Potter League, Middletown, RI, holiday safety tips for dogs, cats