Kharkiv: rescuers have pulled 150 bodies from under rubble at 98 sites

Olha Hlushchenko - Monday, 23 May 2022, 03:53

Since the beginning of the full-scale war, rescuers of the Kharkiv station of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine have completely cleared the debris at 98 sites, from under which 150 bodies have been recovered.

Source: Anatolii Torianyk, Deputy Head of the State Emergency Service in Kharkiv region, during the national 24/7 newscast, quoted by Interfax-Ukraine

Quote: "In Kharkiv, our units have completely cleared debris at 98 locations.

Unfortunately, over 150 bodies have been recovered from under the rubble.

More than 250 people have been rescued by our units during rescue operations."

Details: According to Anatolii Torianyk, the most massive shelling in Kharkiv had been carried out in Northern Saltivka, Piatykhatky, Zhukovskyi village, Rohan and Horizont - areas closer to the line of contact, which the aggressors could reach with artillery.

He also said that 5 people had died in the line of duty (2 rescuers who had come to put out a fire caused by shelling and came under repeated shelling, as well as 3 mine clearance specialists), and 7 mine clearance specialists had been injured.

According to Torianyk, mine clearance specialists responded to 100-120 requests a day in the first days after the start of the full-scale Russian invasion. In less than 3 months, they have responded to 4,000 emergencies and disposed of  3,000 explosive devices.

"As of today, we have received more than 2,000 calls regarding explosives found on the streets or residential buildings - our [mine clearance specialists - ed.] simply physically do not have enough time to go and clear it all," Torianyk said.