Kherson Oblast facing environmental disaster caused by Russian troops

The Kherson OVA stated that the Russian occupiers are provoking an environmental catastrophe
The Kherson OVA stated that the Russian occupiers are provoking an environmental catastrophe

According to him, the Russians are blowing up watercraft and ships near the piers and moorings of the Dnipro and its tributaries, causing tons of oil and fuel to spill into the river as a result.

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The river’s current is carrying these harmful substances into the Dnipro delta, towards the protected area of Nyzhniodniprovsky National Nature Park, he said.

"These areas are protected by the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands of International Importance Especially as Waterfowl Habitat,” Yanushevych stated.

“Therefore, this environmental disaster may have international consequences.”

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Yanushevych said that according to preliminary reports, up to 10 tonnes of fuel and lubricant has gotten into the water.

"This can lead to the destruction of the river's flora and fauna, as well as poisoning of the area for decades,” the regional governor stated.

“In the future, these dangerous substances may also reach the Black Sea.”

These oil spills will need to be cleaned up as quickly as possible in order to prevent long-term damage, he added.

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"Ukraine cannot quickly do this, because our specialists have no access to the temporarily occupied territories,” Yanushevych said.

"In order to address this terrible environmental crime, Kherson Oblast's military administration has turned to law enforcement. Our enemy is just an army of barbarians that can only destroy everything around.”

Read the original article on The New Voice of Ukraine