Kimmel-Clinton selfie takes on Ellen's Oscar shot

Jimmy Kimmel is taking a shot at Ellen DeGeneres' record-breaking Oscars selfie — sort of.

Kimmel posted a group selfie to Twitter late Saturday featuring former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Chelsea Clinton and former President Bill Clinton.

"No Brad Cooper," the ABC late-night talk-show host tweeted to DeGeneres, "but 3 Clintons & a Kimmel."

The photo was taken in Tempe, Ariz., where Kimmel interviewed the former first family during a panel discussion at the Clinton Global Initiative University. ("If you do run for president," Kimmel asked Hillary Clinton, "will you reuse the old Clinton campaign lawn signs?")

To this point, however, Kimmel has some work to do if he's going to catch Ellen.

Ellen's group shot — featuring Cooper and fellow actors Jennifer Lawrence, Channing Tatum, Jared Leto, Meryl Streep, Julia Roberts, Brad Pitt, Kevin Spacey, Lupita Nyong’o, Nyong’o's brother, Peter, and Angelina Jolie — became the most retweeted tweet of all time, amassing more than a million retweets and briefly causing Twitter to crash the night of the Academy Awards.

The Kimmel-Clinton selfie has just 6,000 retweets.

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