Kinsler: And now a moment of silence for the United States Postal Service

I think I’ve been released from the Yuletide Mailroom, at least temporarily. Over the many decades that we two seem to have been allotted we have gained several mail-worthy friends per year, which means that every holiday season our little house turns into J.C. Dithers, Inc. minus Dagwood Bumstead and Julius C Dithers, but with stacks of un-mailed Christmas cards piled everywhere.

A few years ago I decided that our old regime, which consisted of hand addressed envelopes with Santa stickers on each was, to no particular purpose, highly labor-intensive. And since it was the pair of us who were doing the labor, we were growing weary of the work, and that included the short Queen of Christmas.

I think that my original plan was and is pretty good. Several print shops, typically with an Internet presence, will produce picture postcards for a remarkably modest sum. Post card postage is less than that for a letter. So we co-wrote a year-end greeting, uploaded pictures of ourselves, the cats, and perhaps the house, and applied a computer-generated address sticker plus a postcard stamp to each. Except in a few cases where the USPS felt obliged to place a zip-code sticker over our message, the cards were well received.

But I am grieved to report that we (that is, Natalie, who has had to remind me that her very name means Christmas) have fallen back into evil ways. She still likes the postcards, but now each must be enclosed in a stamped, sealed envelope, which is loathsome unto me. The opinion of M Kinsler was not solicited, so I have been inserting 120 or so cards into their respective envelopes, applying return address stickers effectively purloined from the St Joseph Indian School, applying discounted USPS Forever stamps (yes, they exist,) and finally sealing each envelope with a damp sponge,

I should add that I was once a professional envelope stuffer, employed as such by the Penton Publishing Co. in Cleveland, a job I got because my father was an editor there. So I shuffled the stack of empty envelopes so they’d stay open, positioned the stack of cards to the right, and went at it. I think I was considerably faster than my diminutive spouse, but I chose to remain silent on that point.

I must add that I am delighted that we have as many friends as Penton Publishing had customers. That is principally the work of Natalie, whose name means Christmas just as mine means “Clueless.”

She has just bustled in, having delivered a substantial box of cards to the post office and consuming lunch with her art class. Suddenly our house is cheerful, its holiday décor more meaningful.

Mark Kinsler, writes, works, and generally exists in an old house in Lancaster with two alley cats who do not approve of him and Natalie, who apparently does.

This article originally appeared on Lancaster Eagle-Gazette: Kinsler: And now a moment of silence for the United States Postal Service