Kirksey, Young, Hawkins family members gather

Family members from multiple states were on hand July 8 for the 84th Kirksey Young Hawkins Family Reunion at Silver Park.

In total, 325 relatives attended from Pennsylvania, Virginia, Georgia and various cities around Ohio. Also on hand was a visitor from Ethiopia.

Families from Michigan, Maryland, Minnesota and Wisconsin were unable to attend this year.

The family members conducted a ceremony that recognized high school and college graduates with gifts, and paid tribute to nine family members who died since July 2022.

President Joyce H. Williams gave a blessing before dinner.

Celebrity Brown and Vernon Hawkins managed games for the children, who also enjoyed face-painting and favors.

Entertainment included a 50/50 raffle managed by Lyann West, and music from DJ Tambora Church.

Joyce H. Wlliams and Portia H. Johnson distributed gifts to Winslow Young, the oldest person present; Odell and Ruby Kirksey, Daryl and Debra Hawkins, longest married couples; and Nathan Hawkins, youngest child present.

On Friday, July 7th a meet-and-greet was held at the Masonic Hall. Sunday services were held at Feed My Sheep/New Beginnings House of God Ministries. Jeri Smith Wheeler was the speaker.

Committee members for 2023 were president Joyce H. Williams; vice president Cindy King; Joan Kirksey; Laura Coleman; Portia H. Johnson; Bruce Hawkins; Staci Young; Stacey Yamamoto; Lynann West; Vernon Hawkins; and Angela Hawkins.

The family’s 2024 reunion will be July 13.

This article originally appeared on The Alliance Review: Kirksey, Young, Hawkins family members gather