Kirsten Gillibrand Joins the Race and Announces Campaign Speech at Trump Hotel

Her first campaign video seems to support universal health care and the Green New Deal.

On Sunday, Kirsten Gillibrand announced that she's officially joining the race for president, swelling the field of Democratic candidates to well past a dozen by now. Like Elizabeth Warren and Cory Booker, Gillibrand isn't much of a surprise—she's one of the longtime presidential hopefuls who was positioning themselves for a campaign well before the 2018 midterms.

Today, the New York senator is polling at about one percent in several polls, according to The Guardian. It's still early enough for those polls to not be indicative of a whole lot though, and she seems to be trying to set herself apart from largely policy-free candidates like Beto O'Rourke. In the ad that her campaign released Sunday, Gillibrand makes references to "universal health care" and the Green New Deal, both of which she calls for on her campaign site.

She's also announced a campaign speech she plans to deliver later this month in front of the Trump International Hotel in New York.