Knights of Columbus councils to hold candy sales this weekend

At least three Knights of Columbus councils – Monroe, Erie and Temperance – will hold candy sales this weekend. Proceeds will benefit programs and organizations that serve area residents who have intellectual disabilities.

Members of Monroe Council 1266, Knights of Columbus in Monroe will hold its 46th consecutive Tootsie Roll sale Saturday on street corners throughout the city of Monroe and surrounding areas, including local businesses.

Candy will be sold for any donation.

“The Monroe Council was one of the first Knights of Columbus Councils in our state to sell Tootsie Rolls. 100% of the money raised by this sale stays in Monroe,” Jay Jondro, a past grand knight for the council, said.

Members of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Council 8902 in Temperance and St. Joseph Council 7413 in Erie will be selling Tootsie Rolls for any donation Friday and Saturday. The Temperance Knights will hand out candy at street corners, banks and shopping plazas in Temperance and Lambertville while the Erie Knights will be stationed at Sterns and Crabb roads in Temperance and at the signal light at South Dixie Highway (M-125) and Manhattan Street in Erie.

All proceeds collected during the traditional Palm Sunday weekend drive will stay in Monroe County. Among the organizations that have benefitted from the candy sales in the past are ARC of Monroe, Holiday Camp of Monroe and Special Olympics as well as programs offered by the Monroe County Intermediate School District.

The Tootsie Roll Sales began in Monroe County in the 1970s but were canceled in recent years due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Knights of Columbus says 6.4% of America's population has some form of intellectual disability.

This article originally appeared on The Monroe News: K of C councils hold candy sales this weekend