What to know about the Colorado River drought plan for Arizona, California and Nevada

Arizona, Nevada and California submitted a proposal to the federal government Monday aimed at saving as much as 3 million acre-feet of water on the drought-stricken Colorado River.

The plan is the states’ answer to a federal call for major reductions in use to keep water stored in Lake Mead and Lake Powell from declining to disastrous levels. The Interior Department agreed to review the plan before moving ahead with any actions of its own.

Here's what you need to know:

What's in the latest Colorado River proposal?

Arizona, California and Nevada propose jointly cutting 3 million acre-feet of water use over three years, on top of cuts the federal government has already imposed on Arizona and Nevada.

For context, the river's annual natural flow has averaged a little more than 12 million acre-feet since an extended drought began in 2000, and the region has had to draw down its reservoirs. These three states, among the seven Colorado River states, are grouped as the Lower Colorado Basin, and most of the attention has been on them for cutbacks because they are the states that have fully developed what the 100-year-old Colorado River Compact and subsequent deals granted to them.

Water is released from Glen Canyon Dam in Page, Ariz., through bypass tubes on April 24, 2023, during a high-flow experiment. The flood will help move sand and sediment down the Colorado River the way the river's natural flows did before the construction of Glen Canyon Dam.
Water is released from Glen Canyon Dam in Page, Ariz., through bypass tubes on April 24, 2023, during a high-flow experiment. The flood will help move sand and sediment down the Colorado River the way the river's natural flows did before the construction of Glen Canyon Dam.

Most of the conservation, up to 2.5 million acre-feet, would be compensated through billions of dollars that Congress has recently approved for drought mitigation. It would involve short-term savings, such as paying farmers not to plant fields temporarily, while other federal funds could later be applied to longer-term efficiency upgrades. The proposal would not impose specific cuts on the respective states, but rather would incentivize voluntary reductions.

On a river in drought: Can the 100-year-old rules that divide the Colorado River still work?

Will it lead to any further water cutbacks in Southwestern states?

It would, but it would not mandate cuts on any particular user or group. So far, existing shortage-sharing guidelines have imposed mandatory cuts in the Lower Colorado River Basin, and the bulk of those have fallen on Arizona because the water it pumps through the Central Arizona Project Canal to the Phoenix and Tucson areas has a lower legal priority than does California's. That was part of the deal for getting CAP's congressional authorization, and this year it and other emergency deals have caused Arizona to forego 592,000 acre-feet of what would otherwise be its 2.8 million-acre-foot share.

The states will seek the rest of the savings through their own voluntary deals. The new cutbacks will be spread around the states, depending on who volunteers or accepts compensation for leaving water in Lake Mead.

Water is released from Glen Canyon Dam through bypass tubes on April 24, 2023, during a high-flow experiment. The flood will help move sand and sediment down the Colorado River the way the river's natural flows did before the construction of Glen Canyon Dam in Page, Ariz.
Water is released from Glen Canyon Dam through bypass tubes on April 24, 2023, during a high-flow experiment. The flood will help move sand and sediment down the Colorado River the way the river's natural flows did before the construction of Glen Canyon Dam in Page, Ariz.

Will California cut any of its Colorado River water use?

It likely would under this plan, and perhaps substantially. The Imperial Irrigation District, California's largest Colorado River rights holder and the biggest user anywhere on the river, issued a statement saying that it, the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, the Palo Verde Irrigation District, the Coachella Valley Water District, the Fort Yuma Quechan Tribe and the Bard Water District all are expected to participate in the conservation, and to share in federal Inflation Reduction Act funds for doing so.

Metropolitan, which supplies drinking water to the Los Angeles area, may have flexibility to reduce its take from the Colorado because its other supplies, originating in the Sierra Nevada, are ample this year. But again, these are voluntary cuts, and not the kind of mandated cuts that California had rejected in negotiations earlier this year, when it asserted its legal priority over other users such as the Central Arizona Project.

Should the Interior Department accept this plan, those types of mandated cuts, or fights over them, would be delayed for negotiations over new long-term shortage-sharing guidelines due for adoption in 2026.

Added runoff: Snowy, wet winter brings drought reprieve, but it won't solve Colorado River water woes

Will the runoff from heavy winter snow help buy time?

That's the idea. The higher levels of runoff flowing toward the reservoirs is what let Arizona Department of Water Resources Director Tom Buschatzke to conclude that the states can reduce water use by less than what federal officials originally requested and still improve storage levels.

Lake Mead and Lake Powell together sank to about a quarter of their capacity during the last year, but the big Rocky Mountain snowpack is now expected to boost them to about one-third of capacity. The improvement means the Bureau of Reclamation expects it can send more water downstream from Lake Powell to Lake Mead this year without jeopardizing hydropower production at Glen Canyon Dam.

It won't be enough to prevent bigger cuts in the future unless a string of similarly wet winters follow, but the states believe it is enough to get them though the next three years by cutting only about half of what federal officials had envisioned before they knew how the past winter would play out.

What's next?

The Interior Department on Monday suspended its previously announced May 30 deadline for public comment on a draft study of options for emergency cutbacks over the next three years.

Instead, it said it plans to review the states' proposal for possible inclusion in a new draft of the study to be released and acted upon later in the year. State officials said they expect the government will publish a new schedule in the Federal Register this week, and will ultimately take action on it this fall. If their plan is adopted, the states would front-load conservation efforts in 2024, aiming to keep 1.5 million of the envisioned 3 million acre-feet in savings behind Hoover Dam in just that year.

Meanwhile, the Interior Department said it plans to formally launch its process for longer-term shortage guidelines next month. Those guidelines are up for adoption in 2026, and could force larger cuts if a warming and drying climate continues to shrink the river's average flows.

Brandon Loomis covers environmental and climate issues for The Arizona Republic and azcentral.com. Reach him at brandon.loomis@arizonarepublic.com or follow on Twitter @brandonloomis.

Environmental coverage on azcentral.com and in The Arizona Republic is supported by a grant from the Nina Mason Pulliam Charitable Trust. Follow The Republic environmental reporting team at environment.azcentral.com and @azcenvironment on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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This article originally appeared on Arizona Republic: Colorado River drought plan: What to know about Arizona's new proposal