What to know about Oktoberfest in Fort Worth, from ticket deals to parking

Believe it or not, fall is a month away, with festivals and fairs around North Texas planned in time for cooler — or at least less hot — weather.

Fort Worth’s annual Oktoberfest will kick off a week before the State Fair of Texas, bringing three days of German fun, food and culture to Trinity Park.

The annual Oktoberfest celebration in Fort Worth kicks off in September and will include plenty of German food, fun and culture.
The annual Oktoberfest celebration in Fort Worth kicks off in September and will include plenty of German food, fun and culture.

What is Oktoberfest?

Oktoberfest is a German festival that originated in 1810 with the marriage of the Crown Prince Ludwig of Bavaria to Princess Therese of Saxony-Hildburghausen.

Since then, Oktoberfest is celebrated by German-Americans and non-Germans in the United States.

Why is Oktoberfest celebrated in Texas?

Germans called Texas home before it became a state and today census data estimates around two million Texans claim German descent, so it’s no surprise why Oktoberfest celebrations are held in the Lone Star state.

Festival-goers celebrate Oktoberfest at Panther Island in Fort Worth in October 2018.
Festival-goers celebrate Oktoberfest at Panther Island in Fort Worth in October 2018.

When is Oktoberfest in Fort Worth?

Fort Worth’s Oktoberfest will run from Sept. 21 to 23.

Festival hours on Sept. 21 and 22 will be from 5 to 11 p.m. and from 11 a.m. to midnight on Sept. 23.

Where is Fort Worth’s Oktoberfest and where can I park?

This year’s Oktoberfest will be held at Trinity Park with the entrance near the Van Zandt Cottage across from Farrington Field.

Parking will be at Farrington Field, 1501 University Drive, and at Will Rogers Memorial Center.

How much is Oktoberfest?

A three day pass for the Fort Worth Oktoberfest is $20. A day pass for Sept. 21 is $10 and day passes for Sept. 22 and 23 are $15 each.

All early ticket purchasers by Sept. 20 at 11:59 p.m. will get a free 2023 beer stein.

German vendors will sell souvenirs, steins and authentic clothing.
German vendors will sell souvenirs, steins and authentic clothing.

What happens at Oktoberfest?

The Fort Worth Oktoberfest will consist of carnival rides, games, shopping, authentic German food and plenty of beer.

German vendors will sell souvenirs, steins, authentic clothing and Christmas collectibles.

There will be open air tents, including an air conditioned tent, that offer seating and room for activities and dancing.

The Oktoberfest Run and Ride event will happen on Sept. 23 which features a 20 mile urban bike ride, 10K and 5K. Participants will get a shirt, medal, commemorative beer stein, two beer tickets and free race day parking.

Registration is $42 for the 5K, $57 for the 10K and $57 for the 20 mile bike ride.

For those who would rather observe a run, the Dachshund Dash will take place at 1 p.m. on Sept. 23 in Die Aktivitat Tent.