Get to know Shammas Malik, Akron's presumptive next mayor

Shammas Malik checks his phone during his mayoral watch party in the atrium of the John S. Knight Center in Akron on Tuesday.
Shammas Malik checks his phone during his mayoral watch party in the atrium of the John S. Knight Center in Akron on Tuesday.

From Paul Simon and Malcolm X to meditating and midnights at Swenson's, Akron's presumptive next mayor shared his tastes in music, role models, plans for Akron, how he'll fill his cabinet and whether the new city logo will stay or go.

The following is a lightly edited transcript of an interview conducted the morning after Shammas Malik won 43% of the vote in a seven-Democrat race for Akron mayor on Tuesday. He beat the next candidate by a healthy margin, outperforming even his own expectations.

This interview starts with an expression Beacon Journal photographer Mike Cardew captured on Malik's face in that moment the first-term councilman from Ward 8 realized he was probably going to win — and not by a little. His jaw dropped as his campaign staff lit up in a private room at the John S. Knight Center, where he threw an election night watch party full of music, laughter and celebration.

Deanna Miller, Julie Caruso, Maria Duvuvuei, candidate Shammas Malik and Arell Tee react to the returns in the strategy room at Malik's mayoral watch party in the atrium of the John S. Knight Center in Akron on Tuesday.
Deanna Miller, Julie Caruso, Maria Duvuvuei, candidate Shammas Malik and Arell Tee react to the returns in the strategy room at Malik's mayoral watch party in the atrium of the John S. Knight Center in Akron on Tuesday.

What was going through your mind in that moment when you realized you were going to win?

You know, we thought we were gonna win last night, but we didn't think the victory was going to be that decisive. And I think it really was meaningful to me and I was kind of an affirmation that people responded to what I was putting out there. ... They responded to a positive vision for where the city could go. People across our whole city want to believe in the city. I think we won seven out of the 10 wards. So, you know, we felt something really special.

'Change is coming': First-term Councilman Shammas Malik wins Akron mayor's race in Democratic primary

Do you have any political aspirations beyond mayor of Akron?

People said when I ran for City Council, 'Oh, he just wants to be in Congress.' I said, Look, I'm running for city government and for council, because I worked in city government. I understand city government. I think I can make an impact in city government. When I ran for mayor I made the commitment: 'Look, this is not something I do and then go do something else. I definitely think that at least another term is something that is required to begin the change that I'm talking about. ... I'm not going to do this job for 28 years. I know that. ... [But] this is an amazing, amazing opportunity I've been given and I'm incredibly humbled by that opportunity. So, this is what I'm focused on."

Shammas Malik delivers his victory address at his mayoral watch party in the atrium of the John S. Knight Center in Akron on Tuesday.
Shammas Malik delivers his victory address at his mayoral watch party in the atrium of the John S. Knight Center in Akron on Tuesday.

Barring a challenge from a long-shot write-in candidate this fall, you'll take office Jan. 1. What do you hope to accomplish in the next eight months?

We have to build a seamless transition. [Mayor Dan] Horrigan released a statement in which he said the same thing. And so I think we're on the same page here. And we're going to be starting to release more information next week about that, and about how we envision the next eight months going. But we really want to focus on a couple of things. Obviously, staffing is important. And organizational culture is important. Strategy and how we're going to take some of the ideas that I've put forward and actually [implement them]. And then finally, communication. You know, communication has been a big piece of what I'm talking about: government that listens.

Shammas Malik is congratulated by his supporters as he makes his way to the stage at his mayoral watch party in the atrium of the John S. Knight Center in Akron on Tuesday.
Shammas Malik is congratulated by his supporters as he makes his way to the stage at his mayoral watch party in the atrium of the John S. Knight Center in Akron on Tuesday.

What goals do you have for the first 100 days in office?

"There was a wonderful op ed that we released at the Beacon journal, a couple of Sundays back, in which I mentioned those [goals], but it starts with safety. Right? It's really starting to take the first steps of implementing the things I talked about in the campaign: safety, especially commitment to community policing, and beginning the decision on what we'll do with the [home of the Akron Police Department at the Harold K.] Stubbs Justice Center. And then the second thing is really working to modernize our city government, improving the website, improving the way in which people interact with city government. ... And then the third thing is communication. I've been really focused on communication as a councilman: I do my monthly board meetings that are kind of the old school way of communicating but I also do a monthly email newsletter and I live stream my ward meetings and I post a lot on social media and on NextDoor. ... City government really needs to really communicate and be a cheerleader for Akron and hold space to talk about difficult things at the same time."

Who's going to be in your cabinet? And if you can't give me names, can you tell me where you're looking?

I can tell you who's going to be the mayor but not much beyond that. Look, I want to create a city government that pulls from the nonprofit community, that pulls from the corporate community, that pulls from our education and health care institutions. I want to see government that has some of the institutional memory that's there now. There are folks in the cabinet now who I would ask to stay. ... We want to be really thoughtful and intentional about how all of this goes. I have a great deal of respect for the service that Mayor Horrigan has given to the city over the last few years. And, so, we want to build on the things that are working and then set a new kind of lodestar for where the city's going and start to implement the vision that 43% of Akron voters chose last night.

Are you keeping the new city logo?

You know, I respect the idea that we needed an update there, but I think ... there needs to be a public process to to provide input. ... I think we're gonna have a new city logo.

Akron's new rubber worker logo.
Akron's new rubber worker logo.

I heard a lot of Vampire Weekend and Bruce Springsteen playing at your watch party. You got a favorite band?

I love that you that you caught the Vampire Weekend. I love Vampire Weekend. Bleachers is good. And I'm a big Paul Simon fan. You might have heard 'Me and Julio' down by the schoolyard [playing at the watch party.]

Do you have a favorite restaurant or a go-to meal?

Well, I thought it was necessary after getting elected mayor that I get dinner at Swenson, so that's what I did last night at midnight. But no, I think Mustard Seed [Market Cafe], they have a pesto chicken caesar salad. It's just simple, pretty tasty and it's not the world's most unhealthy thing. And I mentioned that every room I go into in Akron I see people I care about. That's really true at Mustard Seed. It's a great gathering space where you're always seeing people you care about. You're always meeting interesting, cool people.

What about hobbies? What do you do besides trying to help Akron all day?

I have not had a whole lot of personal time on the campaign. I meditate. I try to meditate every day. I like going running. I haven't been running in a couple months but I really want to get back to that. I like just spending time in nature. Summit Metro Parks has that Valley View golf course that they turned back into a park. I think that's one of the most beautiful places in the city.

Who are three of your favorite political or historical figures?

Bobby Kennedy is really is someone I really look up to. President Obama. I was a senior in high school as Obama got elected. I saw him at the John S. Knight Center in March of 2008. So, big fan. And then I think Malcolm X was someone who evolved over time, who was willing to change his perspective. I think, personally, he was trying to continuously interrogate his own thoughts and beliefs and try to improve upon them, and then take action. And wasn't always perfect. Didn't always get it right. But I think was always trying, so I respect and have always appreciated that as a model.

Reach reporter Doug Livingston at or 330-996-3792.

This article originally appeared on Akron Beacon Journal: Shammas Malik shares plans, political aspirations as Akron mayor