Kokomo Symphony Orchestra's weekend concert postponed

Mar. 7—The Kokomo Symphony Orchestra's special concert, titled "KSO Strings Shred Classic Rock," has been postponed. The concert was originally scheduled for Sunday.

In an emailed statement, KSO's director of development Jennifer Rollins wrote, "Our Conductor/Artistic Director lost his father unexpectedly and will be unable to perform this Sunday. We will inform you when the concert is rescheduled."

Rollins also said the KSO hopes to reschedule the concert during a weekend in late April.

Tickets that were purchased for the Sunday show will be honored at the rescheduled show.

The concert is not included in regular season passes. Instead, it's counted as a mini concert.

During the concert, a string quintet will perform songs by Led Zeppelin, Queen and other classic rock groups.

James Bennett III can be reached at 765-454-8580 or james.bennett@kokomotribune.com.