LA vote on Santa Susana Field Lab cleanup crucial to health of county residents

This week the future health of residents in our county will be in the hands of the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board when it votes on the Santa Susana Field Lab cleanup Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) cobbled together in secret, behind closed doors, by the Newsom administration and Boeing, the latter being responsible for much of the contamination.

For 59 years, 1947 to 2006, the field lab, which sits above Simi Valley and the San Fernando Valley, was the site of tens of thousands of liquid propellant rocket engine firings for the U.S. nuclear, missile and space programs. It was also the site of liquid metals research, chemical laser development, 10 nuclear reactors, four of which had accidents during their operation, including a partial core meltdown in the sodium reactor experiment (SRE) in 1959 resulting in one of the largest nuclear accidents in U.S. history. Taken together these operations left the site as one of the most contaminated in the U.S. with continued potential harm to the communities below unless the promised cleanup happens.

To understand the health effects of these contaminants on site, think: cancer, birth defects, development disorders, neurotoxic effects and learning disabilities associated with the chemical toxins and radionuclides on the site. It is well documented that many of these contaminants have no safe level of exposure when it comes to affecting human health. These contaminants taken together represent a veritable “who's who” of toxins. They were to have been cleaned up by the legally binding 2007 and 2010 cleanup orders to have been completed by 2017, and yet that cleanup has not even started. The parties responsible for the contamination — Boeing, the Department of Energy, and NASA — have resisted cleanup obligations and the state toxics agency has failed to enforce the agreements.

These contaminants don’t remain on site and are subject to the forces of nature. When the rains come, they’re carried off site into the surrounding communities’ soils, surface and groundwater. When the winds blow, contamination is blown from the site to surrounding areas. With fires such as the 2018 Woolsey Fire, which actually started on the field lab site, smoke and ash carry the contaminants across the region. They intermingle across the entire lab site resulting in cross-contamination to all adjacent areas.

Exposure affects the health of anyone exposed, in particular vulnerable populations such as children, women of childbearing years and elderly. Exposure comes from inhalation, ingestion and skin contact. The surrounding population has seen a significant increase in the “incident” health effects of illnesses known to be associated with exposure to these contaminants. A 2007 study for the Agency for Toxic Substance and Disease Registry found that the cancer incidence rate was 60% greater among residents living within 2 miles of the lab than among residents living more than 5 miles away for key cancers associated with these contaminants. This will continue until the promised full cleanup has been completed.

Despite virtually every local elected official from both political parties calling for the complete cleanup, the regulatory agencies have failed their legal, scientific and moral obligations to protect the health of these communities. Many of these agencies have been captured by the very polluters they are supposed to be regulating, ultimately placing corporate profit ahead of community health.

On Thursday, the L.A. Water Board will hold a hearing on a deal worked out in secret with Boeing to let it walk away from its cleanup obligations. This would allow up to 96% of the contaminated soil to remain, weakening long-promised cleanup standards by hundreds to thousands of times. In addition, this agreement will free Boeing from monitoring and controlling the contaminated water runoff from its site under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit (NPDES). This abrogation of the water pollution restrictions is tantamount to the old medical saying: you can’t find a fever if you don’t check a temperature.

Thursday’s hearing will possibly be the most important decision that the water board will make in its history. They hold the health of the surrounding community in its hands. Absent striking down this agreement, the agency and every board member will be, should be, held responsible for every new childhood incident illness and cancer moving forward that occurs from this contaminated site. The public must speak out and say no and demand full cleanup as promised. Anything less holds us all responsible.

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Robert Dodge, M.D., is a family physician practicing in Ventura.

This article originally appeared on Ventura County Star: LA vote on Santa Susana Field Lab cleanup crucial to health of county residents