Labor Day Compliance High In RI; Symptom Checking Still An Issue

PROVIDENCE, RI — Labor Day weekend in Rhode Island was, for the most part, safe when it comes to coronavirus safety protocols, Gov. Gina Raimondo said Wednesday, far better than the July 4 holiday weekend.

Over the weekend, inspectors found that 96 percent of employees at businesses wore masks, while 93 percent of customers did the same. Bars, in particular, saw a major improvement in compliance from weeks past, with 93 percent having no mingling in the bar area, 94 percent with proper distancing and 99 percent closing by 11 p.m. The governor thanked customers and business owners for their efforts to improve in these areas.

However, one area businesses need to improve upon across the state is symptom-checking customers at entry. Over the weekend, just 85 percent were in compliance, which is not nearly enough, the governor said.

"That's something we know how to do, it's not that hard to do," Raimondo said."Try a little harder for the symptom screening at businesses."

To help with this effort, the state is launching an update to the Crush COVID RI app, which will lessen the drain on user's batteries and make it easier to track symptoms. When the user completes their daily symptom check, he or she will be presented with either a green happy face or a red sad face. The green screen means the person is symptom-free and able to go about their business, while a red screen means the person has potential COVID-19 symptoms and must stay home until they are well. In the coming weeks, the state will work with businesses to develop a system for Rhode Islanders to show their symptom-free screen, rather than going through the same symptom check everywhere they go.

So far, 82,000 Rhode Islanders have downloaded the app. To encourage others to do so as well and track their symptoms, the state is holding a contest. Anyone who downloads the app and records their symptoms for seven days in a row will be eligible to enter to win a free night's stay at one of three Providence hotels: Hotel Providence, the Dean and the Renaissance. More details will be announced Friday.

"Get into the daily habit [of logging symptoms]," Raimondo urged Rhode Islanders.

This article originally appeared on the Cranston Patch