Labor Day weekend travel volume expected near pre-pandemic levels, says AAA

AAA is expecting the Labor Day holiday weekend travel volume to return to near pre-pandemic levels as it did for the Memorial Day and Independence Day holiday weekends earlier this summer, according to a news release.

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AAA anticipates the peak travel time will be Friday afternoon, September 2, when commuters mix with travelers, especially those heading to coastal areas.

Traffic is also expected to be heavy late Monday afternoon as travelers return home from the long weekend, the release said.

“As the summer travel season draws to an end with the upcoming Labor Day holiday weekend, AAA expects travel volume will likely reach pre-pandemic levels, mirroring the trends seen for the Memorial Day and Independence Day weekends earlier this summer,” said Kara Hitchens, AAA spokesperson.

To avoid Labor Day weekend traffic, AAA is encouraging drivers who the flexibility to travel at off-peak hours.

“Increased traffic means an increase in the chance for crashes,” Hitchens said. “Obey the rules of the roads. Your safety and the safety of all road users depends on it.

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AAA offers these car care tips before hitting the road this weekend:

  • Check tire pressure of all tires – don’t forget to check the spare – if you have one!

  • Check tire tread – offers a simple visual check using a penny or a quarter

  • Check battery is in good working order (most batteries last 3-5 years); a AAA Approved Repair facility will do this for FREE

  • Check air conditioning

  • Check windshield wipers to make sure they are in good working order

  • Check fluids

  • Check headlights for functionality and clean lenses

  • Make sure your cell phone is fully charged so you can call for help if needed

  • Make sure your AAA membership is up to date

  • Stock a Summer Emergency Kit with: jumper cables, tools, first aid supplies, flashlight with fresh batteries, road flare or reflective triangle, extra medications, snacks, water

“It is important that drivers remember that their vehicle can break down just as easily over Labor Day weekend as it can at any time of year and that they take every precaution to ensure that their cars are road ready,” said Hitchens.