Lactoferrin: A natural ally in autoimmune support

With the rising prevalence of autoimmune diseases worldwide, it's essential to explore supportive treatments. Lactoferrin, a natural protein found in milk, emerges as a promising ally in this regard. It’s also sold as a dietary supplement online and in health food stores.

Autoimmune diseases occur when the immune system mistakenly attacks the body's tissues. Key players in this process include T cells (Th1, Th17), B cells, macrophages and dendritic cells, each contributing to inflammation and tissue damage. Autoantigens, altered by various factors, also can trigger an autoimmune response.

Lactoferrin modulates the immune response, balancing it to prevent self-damage. It possesses anti-inflammatory properties, crucial in my opinion for alleviating some autoimmune symptoms. Its antimicrobial nature helps fend off infections that might trigger autoimmune reactions. It binds iron that can reduce the oxidative process that causes some symptoms. While not a cure, lactoferrin supports managing autoimmune conditions and, ask your doctor, but I think it can work well alongside most conventional treatments.

As a pharmacist, I’m always studying drugs and their effect on the body. It’s true that certain medications, like hydralazine, procainamide, isoniazid, minocycline, alpha-interferons, TNF inhibitors for autoimmune diseases, and even some statins, are associated with triggering autoimmunity! You may not have even thought of that! If you take one of these, always discuss what to do with your doctor before modifying your regimen.

A healthy gut microbiome is vital for autoimmune health. Lactoferrin supports this by enhancing gut health and balancing the immune response. Its antioxidant and iron-binding capabilities further contribute to managing autoimmune conditions, especially in controlling iron-induced oxidative stress and inflammation.

Lactoferrin's key function is binding free iron in the bloodstream and mucosal surfaces, thereby inhibiting bacterial growth and aiding iron regulation. Its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant roles, coupled with limited neuroprotective effects, underscore its value in managing health conditions, particularly those involving iron overload and inflammation.

While lactoferrin is significant, a comprehensive approach to autoimmunity includes a variety of supplements like EpiCor, Andrographis, probiotics, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, curcumin, ginger and selenium.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is crucial, especially during challenging times like winter. Regular exercise, balanced nutrition and appropriate supplementation are key to managing autoimmune conditions. It's essential to stay proactive in exploring both conventional and natural remedies, as they can offer hope and potential benefits in achieving immune balance.

Lactoferrin, alongside other supportive measures, offers a promising approach to managing autoimmune diseases.

I have a longer, more detailed version of this article on autoimmunity on my website,

This article originally appeared on The Gainesville Sun: Lactoferrin: A natural ally in autoimmune support