Lake Cumberland Young Professionals raise money to grant a wish

Apr. 5—For a while now, the Make-A-Wish Foundation's activities have been limited, but this year, now that many pandemic restrictions have been lifted, Make-A-Wish reached out to the Young Professionals of Lake Cumberland to help fund wishes and make children with life-threatening illnesses happy.

Morgan Harris, President of the Young Professionals of Lake Cumberland organization, "jumped at the opportunity" to partner with Make-A-Wish.

Pulaski County had about 13 kids with life-threatening illnesses who were waiting for Make-A-Wish to make a return to have their wishes granted.

The Young Professionals put on a fundraiser and called it "Sippin' and Wishin'." It took place at the Virginia Theater on March 24, sponsored in part by Horse Soldier Bourbon, and collectively raised enough to grant one wish (a single wish runs about $10,000).

The child's wish was to go with his family to a vacation in Florida.

There was an appearance from country music artist Elvie Shane and the event was catered by Hunter's BBQ of Albany.

The Young Professionals also thanked the Student Ambassadors at Somerset Community College "who graciously donated their time to make sure this event ran smoothly."

The family of a wish recipient even spoke at the event.

Said Morgan Harris about the family's speech, "I think there probably wasn't a dry eye in the room."