Lake Ellyn Cardboard Regatta Nixed For 2022; New Event Planned

GLEN ELLYN, IL — The Lake Ellyn Cardboard Regatta will not be held in 2022, the Glen Ellyn Park District announced Tuesday. A new event geared toward those who are 21 and older is in the works, the announcement said.

The park district cited a decline in participation as part of the reason for canceling the regatta, which was also called off in 2020 and 2021 due to coronavirus.

"In the years leading up to the pandemic, participation, showmanship, and boat construction have significantly declined," a news release said. "Since the event is dependent on boat registration, it has been challenging to have enough boats to make the event effective, particularly for all the volunteers, partners, and vendors."

In the future, park district officials are considering hosting the Lake Ellyn Cardboard Regatta every three to five years in the hopes of drawing in more participants.

Residents can still enjoy other Fourth of July activities in the village, which is also hosting a 21-and-over event called "Summer Break at the Lake" on July 1. The new event will feature food truck, beer and drinks and live music from Maggie Speaks.

Lake Ellyn Cardboard Regatta Nixed For 2022; New Event Planned originally appeared on the Glen Ellyn Patch