
Lake Erie provides a bountiful catch

Jun. 9—This week's fishing got off to a slow start.

But anglers persisted, and their efforts paid off as the days progressed.

At the beginning of the week, it seemed like the fish were uninterested in biting, but that didn't deter determined anglers who continued to venture out, burning fuel and preparing baits.

However, Wednesday brought a glimmer of hope as Lake Erie showcased its true potential.

Boats began to trickle in, each laden with limits of fish.

Excitement grew, and Thursday unleashed a feeding frenzy as walleye became ravenous. Anglers returned with their coolers full of fish, signaling the awaited arrival of the prime fishing season on Lake Erie.

The fish can be found across a wide range of depths, from 50 feet of water to as deep as 74 feet.

Most successful anglers have been heading towards the deeper sections of the lake to locate active fish.

Utilizing 50 jets and spoons has proven to be the winning combination for many, while others have found success with dipsy divers paired with shallow stick baits.

Interestingly, the color of the bait hasn't made a significant difference; the crucial factor has been ensuring that the bait is presented as close to the bottom as possible.

As the fish started to feed more aggressively, they gradually moved up the water column. The hours bracketing the day, particularly the first three hours and last three hours, have yielded the most productive results.

Charter captains, taking advantage of these optimal conditions, have been able to secure six-man limits in under four hours.

Looking ahead to the weekend, it is advisable to keep an eye on the weather forecast as choppier conditions may prevail.

Remember to thoroughly check all your safety gear and ensure that life jackets are readily available.

While you embark on your fishing adventures, prioritize your safety as Lake Erie can change in an instant.

Enjoy the weekend on Lake Erie, and may you have a fruitful and safe fishing experience.

Tight lines.

Anthony Hyvarinen writes a weekly fishing column for the Star Beacon. He can be reached at