Lakota young women dole out hats in anti-bullying campaign

These members of Lakota High School’s Women’s Leadership Council brought the #HATNOTHATE anti-bullying campaign to the school, making Lakota the only school in the Midwest to host the initiative. Through the campaign, the council distributed 1,200 blue hats to students and staff as visible reminders to be kind.
These members of Lakota High School’s Women’s Leadership Council brought the #HATNOTHATE anti-bullying campaign to the school, making Lakota the only school in the Midwest to host the initiative. Through the campaign, the council distributed 1,200 blue hats to students and staff as visible reminders to be kind.

KANSAS — Four years ago, a group of Lakota High School students banded together to find ways to better their school and their community. With the help of school guidance counselor Nancy Slotterbeck, the Women’s Leadership Council was born.

The group is a unique, grassroots organization that is building future female leaders by empowering them with the tools to be benevolent today.

This fall, the group focused on battling bullying by joining in the national #HATNOTHATE anti-bullying campaign. The Lakota Women’s Leadership Council is the only Midwest representative of the initiative in the U.S. The #HATNOTHATE campaign raises awareness of the gravity of bullying and encourages a message of kindness by distributing free handmade, blue hats to schools across the country. The hats are hand-knitted or crocheted by people from around the world.

“The hats are blue because blue is the color of anti-bullying, the color of peace,” Slotterbeck said.

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School becomes a sea of blue for a day

On Oct. 29, the students explained the project with the school through a video presentation and then distributed over 1,200 hats to all students in pre-kindergarten through 12th grade and all staff. On Nov. 1, the school’s no-hat policy was temporarily suspended so the students could wear their hats in support of the anti-bullying message. For one day, the school became a sea of blue.

People from around the world knit and crochet thousands of hats each year for the anti-bullying #HATNOTHATE  campaign.
People from around the world knit and crochet thousands of hats each year for the anti-bullying #HATNOTHATE campaign.

“The response was really good,” said council member Liza Ebert. “A lot of people supported this. I saw a lot of people with hats on.”

Early in the school year, Slotterbeck brought the #HATNOTHATE idea to the Women’s Leadership Council. She said the members “jumped at the chance” because it fits with the council’s mission.

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“I think that bullying can sometimes get out of hand, and this was a real opportunity to change our community,” said council member Zoie Lamb. “This is what Women’s Leadership Council is all about. We wanted to educate them on why kindness to others is super important.”

Inspiration leads to action

The Women’s Leadership Council sprouted organically after the group attended a women’s leadership forum at Terra State Community College four years ago. Slotterbeck had taken a group of students to the forum for years, but that year, the speakers motivated the students to take action.

“It was really inspiring to see women who are leaders in their field in a typically male-dominated work force,” Lamb said. “They spoke about their experiences going through life as women in leadership positions.”

The students came back to the school, processed what they had learned, and created the Women’s Leadership Council. The group focuses on finding ways to improve their school and their community through active, hands-on projects.

“Instead of complaining, they problem-solve,” Slotterbeck said.

The group has benefited the members as much as the school as the young women work together to identify and address problems. There is no leadership in the group. Instead, the women function together on equal terms.

“The thing I like about our group is it’s very subjective. We work on projects we want to do. There’s no hierarchy to go through,” said council member Jenna Juarez.

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Positive messages booster morale

That structure has worked well for the group, which has completed many projects in the school. Members decorated the high school bathrooms and placed bins of free feminine supplies there for girls who can’t afford them, and the group raised money to purchase treats for all students on exam days. Each day, Ebert provides short motivational broadcasts during the school’s morning announcements with what the girls call her “cool jazz voice.”

“I do positive messages to boost morale,” Ebert said.

Slotterbeck, who leads the group with co-adviser and math teacher Cassie Velasquez, is very proud of the benevolent work the council has done as well as the way they support each other as individuals.

“This group is amazing,” she said. “It’s been one of the highlights of my career.”

More information on the #HATNOTHATE campaign can be found at

Contact correspondent Sheri Trusty at

This article originally appeared on Fremont News-Messenger: Lakota young women dole out hats in anti-bullying campaign