When is the last frost in Columbus? What to know about when to start planting in 2024

A colorful bed of flowers.
A colorful bed of flowers.

While the weather is warm and your green thumb may be aching, don't start your work on the garden just yet in 2024.

That's because the last frost date, or the average final spring frost, is a date that helps gardeners avoid frost damage on their plants from temperamental spring weather. Frost is predicted when air temperatures reach 32 degrees, or the freezing mark.

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Here's what you need to know about when you should start planning your garden in Columbus:

What is the last frost date in Columbus?

According to National Weather Service climate data, the average last frost date for final frost in Columbus is April 18, although it is more likely the final date will be around May 5, according to 1991-2020 data.

The Farmer's Almanac suggests the final frost date is April 27.

It's worth noting that the dates are based on averages of historical data and are not set in stone, and you should check weather forecasts before planting.

How can frost damage your plants?

According to the Farmer's Almanac, plants are affected different by their type and temperature:

  • Light freeze: 29 to 32 degrees —tender plants are killed.

  • Moderate freeze: 25 to 28 degrees —widely destructive to most vegetation.

  • Severe freeze: 24 degrees and colder—heavy damage to most garden plants.

How can I protect my plants from frost?

According to Homes and Gardens, there are a few ways to protect plants from sudden frost:

  • Bring potted plants indoors

  • Apply dry mulch to beds to insulate some of the sensitive parts of the plant from the cold

  • Remove perennials from the ground and safely store them

  • Protect tender plants with a glass cloche



This article originally appeared on The Columbus Dispatch: When is the last frost in Columbus? What to know about Ohio's spring weather