These are the latest donors to The Charlotte Observer’s Empty Stocking Fund

The Charlotte Observer has sponsored the Empty Stocking Fund since about 1920. All of the money that people contribute goes to the Salvation Army’s Christmas Bureau, which buys toys, food, clothing and gift cards for families.

Here are the latest donors for this year’s campaign:

Ann White, $100

Anonymous, $400

Ashley Berman, $100

Becky Efird, $50

Beth Buchanan, $150

Bruce Noll, $100

Byrd Heaton, $200

Carrington and Scott Angel, $100

David Brown, $20, In memory of Fawn Liebowitz

David Henderson, $100

Emily Boone, $100

Frederick Pappalardo, $250

George and Liz Karagounis, $200

Houston and Mary Price, $100

Jack and Janet Eve, $75, In honor of Sara Eve

Jack Evett, $100, In memory of Linda Evett

James Reichard, $500

Jennifer Le, $50

Jim and Cathy Hunter, $200

John and Constance Kolpitcke, $40

John and Ginger Marr, $300, In memory of M.T. and Becky Gorden and John and Estelle Marr

Judith Wax, $100

Ken and Susan Pearson, $25, In memory of Larry Clonts

Ken and Susan Pearson, $25, Thanks to Greg Ott and his fine staff at Greg Ott Physical Therapy on Wendover.

Ken and Susan Pearson, $25, In memory of Jack Johnston, Sr. and Jack Johnson, Jr., WWII and Vietnam heroes.

Ken and Susan Pearson, $25, In memory of all “MIA” U.S. Service personnel and their allies from all wars.

Ken and Susan Pearson, $25, Thanks to Billy, Gary and Big Billy of Lakeview Automotive, the very best.

Ken and Susan Pearson, $25, In memory of Ralph Weddington, the forever mayor of Sherwood.

Ken and Susan Pearson, $20, Merry Christmas to our dear friends, Paxton and Shay Watkins and family.

Ken and Susan Pearson, $20, In memory of Jack and Katherine Terrell, by Sharon, Gail, Ken, Jeep, Elizabeth and Hub! Love you.

Ken Pearson, $25, In honor or memory of Bob Harvey, Ray Petty, Dan Ingle, Ted Hawley and all the great employees at BOA Dealer Financial Services

Ken Pearson, $25, In honor of my wife and granddaughter, Susan and Kenzi Pearson

Ken Pearson, $25, Thanks to my good friend Steve Barnett

Ken Pearson, $25, In honor of the best sister ever, Gail Clonts

Ken Pearson, $25, In honor of Brittany Henning, for her hard work on The Salvation Army’s Empty Stocking Fund.

Ken Pearson, $25, In honor of Charles Alley, instructor at the Marion Diehl Center, the best of the best. Thanks a million.

Ken Pearson, $25, In memory of Brenda Melton for years of service at BOA, by Ken, Dan and the other employees

Ken Pearson, $25, In memory of Nathan and Ruth Pearson. Love and miss you — your children Gail and Ken

Ken Pearson, $25, In memory of Arthur and Pearl Pearson — best grandparents ever, from Gail and Ken

Ken Pearson, $25, In memory of my extended family , Allen and Betty Dasher. Love you both.

Ken Pearson, $25, In memory of Paul Nordman, my childhood friend

Ken Pearson, $25, In honor of Bunn and Lois Baker

Ken, Susan and Kenzi Pearson, $60, In memory of our son, Nathan William (Nate) Pearson. Nate was our whole world: he passed away 2.5 years ago. God bless you, we love you!

Kevin Gales, $100

Lucile and Victor Wray, $400, In honor of our children, Beth and Alex Holden, Jenny Plyler and Bert Wray

Marcia Bowers, $150

Mark Washburn and Betsy Flagler, $100

Marley and Aidan, $200

Mickey Key, $100, In memory of Bill Barefoot

Nathan Stowe, $100

Premier Mechanical Design – PMD, $25

Randi Edmiston, $200

Robin and Edla Brabham, $200

Sallie Plumlee Close, $250, In loving memory of my father, Claude Plumlee

Scott Fowler, $200

Shari and Randy Hord, $50

Stephanie Dunn, $100

Wyndy Rorie, $35, In honor of Liam, Wyatt, Mack and Anna

Today’s Total: $6,095

YTD Total: $119,309

The Salvation Army of Greater Charlotte’s annual Angel Tree program has begun. The program provides toys for children in need. On Tuesday, November 10, 2023 the Salvation Army Women’s Auxiliary group met for a stocking-stuffing event.
The Salvation Army of Greater Charlotte’s annual Angel Tree program has begun. The program provides toys for children in need. On Tuesday, November 10, 2023 the Salvation Army Women’s Auxiliary group met for a stocking-stuffing event.

How to donate

To donate online:

To donate by mail, send checks to: The Salvation Army of Greater Charlotte, P.O. Box 31128, Charlotte, NC 28231. Make checks payable to The Salvation Army of Greater Charlotte and write “Empty Stocking Fund” in the memo line.