These are the latest donors to The Charlotte Observer’s Empty Stocking Fund

The Charlotte Observer has sponsored the Empty Stocking Fund since about 1920. All of the money that people contribute goes to the Salvation Army’s Christmas Bureau, which buys toys, food, clothing and gift cards for families.

Here are the latest donors for this year’s campaign:

Brian Babin, $250

Carla Miller-James, $250

David Snider and Jeff Hall, $250, In memory of Rolfe Neill

Debbie Rose, $100

Douglas Tucker, $200, For Joan, my mom, who loved Christmas

Jean Batten, $300

Karen McElmoyle, $250

Kathi Stringer, $200, In memory of Joe B. Stringer, III

Linda Anderson, $100

Lisa Bellucci, $200, In honor of Riley and Grady Alenky

Lisa Bellucci, $200, In honor of Avery and Mickey Mears

Maria Ham, $300, In memory of Bob and Jo Cunningham

Monika Gneuss, $250

Ronnie L. Bryant LLC, $250

Susan Yancey, $300, In honor of Jan Harris

Wesley Walker, $40

Today’s Total: $3,440

YTD Total: $33,164

The Salvation Army of Greater Charlotte’s annual Angel Tree program has begun. The program provides toys for children in need. On Tuesday, November 10, 2023 the Salvation Army Women’s Auxiliary group met for a stocking-stuffing event. JEFF SINER/
The Salvation Army of Greater Charlotte’s annual Angel Tree program has begun. The program provides toys for children in need. On Tuesday, November 10, 2023 the Salvation Army Women’s Auxiliary group met for a stocking-stuffing event. JEFF SINER/

How to donate

To donate online:

To donate by mail, send checks to: The Salvation Army of Greater Charlotte, P.O. Box 31128, Charlotte, NC 28231. Make checks payable to The Salvation Army of Greater Charlotte and write “Empty Stocking Fund” in the memo line.