The latest Jif salmonella recall: Desserts sold at certain Kroger stores, other chains

Deskins Candies made the latest recall rippling from the salmonella troubles with J.M. Smucker’s Jif brand, pulling four kinds of peanut butter desserts because they use Jif peanut butter.

Deskins, which is based in West Virginia, yanked:

Peanut butter Pinwheel, expiration date 6/16;

Deskins Candies Peanut Butter PinWheel
Deskins Candies Peanut Butter PinWheel

Peanut butter No Bakes, expiration date 6/21;

Deskins Candies Peanut Butter No-Bake
Deskins Candies Peanut Butter No-Bake

Chocolate No Bakes, expiration date 6/26;

Deskins Candies Chocolate No-Bakes
Deskins Candies Chocolate No-Bakes

Peanut Butter Fudge, expiration date 6/26;

Deskins Candies Peanut Butter Fudge
Deskins Candies Peanut Butter Fudge

These went to Kroger stores in Salem, Virginia; Grant’s stores in West Virginia and Virginia; Goodson’s stores in West Virginia; and to Merchants Distributor, Hickory, North Carolina food distributor that services the East Coast.

If you have the above desserts, toss them out or return them to the store for a full refund. If you have questions, call Deskins at 304-324-1938, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Eastern time.

By the CDC’s count, salmonella strikes 1.35 million Americans each year, hospitalizes about 26,500 and kills 420. Most at risk for the worst effects are senior citizens, children under 5 and those with damaged immune systems. Most people get fever, vomiting, stomachaches and diarrhea that starts around 12 to 72 hours after eating the tainted food and runs for four to seven days.