Laurel County Day Treatment renovation costs up over $7 million

Oct. 1—The bids for the Laurel County Day Treatment renovation and addition and issuance of bonds to finance the project were two items addressed during the bi-monthly meeting of the Laurel County School District.

The bids were awarded to Hacker Brothers and Sherman Barnhardt architects, with the revenue bonds approved by the Laurel County School District Finance Corporation. The Finance Corporation is comprised of the board members, who went into a special called meeting to approve the bond issuance.

Due to rising costs of construction materials, the renovation of the Day Treatment facility has risen from its original costs, exceeding $7 million, said Laurel County Superintendent Dr. Doug Bennett. But the renovations will include a larger cafeteria area and library/learning center as well as additional classrooms.

Board members also approved a change order in the South Laurel High School artificial turf project. In that action, a change of $16,044.50 was credited from Triple Crown Concrete due to the inability to obtain materials to complete the project. But the project was completed by Oheil Site Solutions for the same amount, which left the project at a zero balance.

The working budget was also approved, with the Laurel County district exceeding the required contingency at 10%. Bennett told board members the state requires school districts to maintain a 2% contingency — a goal in which the local school district maintains every year.

Bennett also said the Test to Stay program is working well, and has enabled many students and staff to remain in-person rather than be quarantined due to other family members being exposed or having COVID.

Another issue approved was a contract with Noahlytics for North Laurel High School. Bennett said that contract would post a camera on the backboard of basketball goals to allow better viewing of shots.

"It's on the arc of the basketball goal and monitors and analyzes the shots," Bennett said. "That can be a tool for coaching."

Several new positions were also approved. Two 4-hour Title I Assistants at North Laurel Middle School and four Grounds Worker positions were approved. Board members also voted to re-create a Lead Maintenance position for the school district as well as an MSD teacher at Hazel Green Elementary.

Other items approved were:

—Agreement with Community Action Council and KCEOC for the Head Start program

—Agreement with RSA Advisors LLC

—Agreement with Your Choice Presentation for Laurel County Day Treatment

—Approval of Christian Appalachian Project Inc. Operation Sharing Gifts.

The Laurel County board of education meets the second and fourth Monday of each month in the Administrative Building on the campus of London Elementary School at 5 p.m.