Lawrence Township trustees set hearing on farm fence


Lawrence Township trustees

Monday meeting

KEY ACTION: Agreed to hold a public hearing at the July 5 meeting about a fence on a farm on Milhaven Avenue NW.

DISCUSSION: The fence is needed on the Knickerbocker farm to contain cows that escape and wander into the road or onto neighbors’ properties. Trustees will meet with the farm owner at 5:30 p.m. June 29 to review the situation.


  • Promote fire department employeeCameron Martin to lieutenant.

  • Adjourned to executive session to discuss Police Department personnel. No action was taken upon reconvening.

UP NEXT: Meet at 5:30 p.m. June 20. Trustees will meet in person at the township administration building and via Zoom.

Joan Porter

This article originally appeared on The Repository: Lawrence Township trustees set hearing on farm fence