Who should lead Hampton City Schools? Resident input needed on criteria, qualifications

Hampton City Schools have launched the search for a new superintendent.

Superintendent Jeffery Smith announced last month that he will retire July 1 after leading the division for the last eight years. To begin the search for Smith’s replacement, the school board is seeking input on qualifications for the next superintendent.

Through Feb. 20, community members can fill out a survey found on the division’s website at www.hampton.k12.va.us. A hard copy of the survey will also be available at the division’s administrative office at 1 Franklin Street, as well as at each school and at Hampton public libraries.

Two public hearings have also been set. The first hearing is set for 6:30 p.m. Feb. 16 at Fox Hill Neighborhood Center, 65 Hall Road. The second will be held 11 a.m. Feb. 18 at Mary Jackson Center, 231 Lincoln Street.

“Hiring a new superintendent is the biggest task a school board will face and we want to make sure that the public has a voice in this process,” said Richard Mason, Hampton School Board chair. “We hope that parents, staff, and residents will take time to fill out the survey or attend the public hearing.”

The Virginia School Boards Association will assist the board.

Nour Habib, nour.habib@virginiamedia.com