Leap Day 2016: Babies Born on Feb. 29 Are Being Dressed in Frog Outfits

A leap day birthday is something truly special — so to celebrate the babies born this Feb. 29, one Pittsburgh hospital is dressing newborns in adorably appropriate frog outfits. In honor of the special day, St. Clair Hospital Family Birth Center is giving every "Leapling" a little froggie bib and a knit cap, made by the birth center's nurses, reports local CBS affiliate KDKA.

These adorable birthday outfits should make up for a lifetime of only having a birthday once every four years. Welcome to the world, leap babies!

Leap Day 2016: Babies Born on Feb. 29 Are Being Dressed in Frog Outfits
Leap Day 2016: Babies Born on Feb. 29 Are Being Dressed in Frog Outfits
Leap Day 2016: Babies Born on Feb. 29 Are Being Dressed in Frog Outfits