Learn love strategies, boundaries at Day of Dialogue | Asha Brewer

Over 20 million copies of the 5 Love Languages books have been sold worldwide. In them, Dr. Gary Chapman helps readers explore five ways they give and receive love within familial, romantic, and workplace relationships. An equally important relationship to explore is how we choose to love ourselves.

Mark 12:31 instructs us to love others as we love ourselves. This reminds us that, yes, we should love our family members, co-workers, partners, and friends. However, while doing so, we must not forgo extending love to ourselves.

Asha Brewer
Asha Brewer

After spending most of the day giving attention to the needs, demands, and requests of others, it can be challenging to reserve any bandwidth to pay attention to ourselves. However, it is important that we take time daily to pause and ask, “How well have I loved myself today?”

Learn some of these strategies by attending the 17th Annual Day of Dialogue on Minority Health on Feb. 25.

Setting boundaries

Loving yourself may come in the form of boundaries. When we love ourselves through boundaries, we give ourselves room to heal, learn and grow. For example, if you are a student, boundaries around your time may give you the capacity to be diligent in your studies and do your best work.

If you are a parent, boundaries around your physical health may allow you to enjoy more meaningful moments with your family. If you are a business owner, boundaries around your mental health may help you enjoy your hard work and ward off burnout. It is important to be attuned to what boundaries need to be set in each season and love ourselves enough to honor these boundaries in every season.

Self-love can come in the form of self-care. This isn’t just your massage or staycation type of self-care. (Although, both are great!) Consider caring for yourself by keeping your wellness appointments — such as physical exams, therapy sessions, and dental appointments.

Health and well-being

Even further, practice self-care by being committed to understanding your health status and what you should be doing to maintain optimal health. If you have been prescribed medication, do you know the purpose of the medication and the best way to take the medication (i.e., after a meal, before bed, etc.)?

If you have been advised to observe a certain diet, do you know why and for how long? Understanding how to care for ourselves shows that we are committed to loving ourselves.

Forgiveness is a powerful demonstration of self-love. In a 2022 article for PsychologyToday.com, Matt James, PhD, posits, “If our trusting, loving friend or significant other does something that hurts, we are likely to see that transgression as a one-time event. We refer back to the goodness and the love in them. Many of us, however, don’t have loving, trusting relationships with ourselves.”

Forgive yourself for that misstep or mistake. Forgive yourself for that wrong turn or decision. And, most importantly, forgive yourself for not being perfect. When we forgive ourselves, we strengthen our relationships with ourselves and others.

Learning to love yourself

Just like there are several ways to communicate our love for others, there are many ways we can communicate love back to ourselves. Learn some of these strategies by attending the 17th Annual Day of Dialogue on Minority Health (DoDMH).

This free program will be hosted from 8:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 25, by the Day of Dialogue on Minority Health, Inc. 501(c)(3) in partnership with the Neighborhood Medical Center 872 West Orange Ave.

Workshop topics include the following: “It’s OK to Not Be OK” with Jackie Collins Robinson, PhD; “A Healthy Mouth is a Healthy Body” with Christopher Laing, DDS; “Infectious Disease and the Minority Community” with Alanna Steaple, APRN; “Google Is Not Your Pharmacist” with Otis Kirksey, PharmD; “Boundaries and Self Care for Youth” with Shaquaylyn Shedrick of SHE Academy; and “Nutrition and Food Insecurity” with Second Harvest.

Registration includes lunch and giveaways. For registration and more information, head to https://DOL17.eventbrite.com. Church members, community leaders, high school and college students, and the general public will benefit from attending.

Asha Brewer has a bachelor's degree in exercise science and a Doctor of Chiropractic degree. She uses her professional experience and love for ministry to shed light and biblical perspective on concepts of health, wellness and physical activity.

This article originally appeared on Tallahassee Democrat: Learn love strategies, health tips at free Day of Dialogue