Leavelle McCampbell hosting Valley Empty Bowl event Feb. 11

Feb. 2—Bringing the community together is the goal of the Valley Empty Bowl event Feb. 11.

This is the first year for this event in Aiken, said Sandra Weeks, the art teacher at Leavelle McCampbell Middle School who is organizing it. She said Augusta used to hold one,but stopped due to COVID. They decided to bring one to Aiken and give a portion of the proceeds to Area Churches Together Serving .

"It's just a nice way to kind of bring the community together and make people aware of ACTS," Weeks said, crediting LMMS principal Dr. Tiffany Hall with bringing the group to her attention. "I didn't realize that their money stays in Aiken County. I started researching more about it and I was like we need it, they need the help, let's do it."

ACTS works with churches, organizations and individuals to help people in need, according to its website. The needs covered include helping with food, clothing, prescription medicine or other assistance.

Weeks said several organization have made donations to help fund the event. Several different types of soup are being donated by Helms College and Cadwalladers Cafe in Martinez.

The profits will be split with 40% to ACTS, 45% to next year's event, 10% to a UNICEF organization and 5% to the host middle school, Weeks said.

"Our whole motto is think globally, act locally," Weeks said. "So to get that global piece the kids are choosing an organization from UNICEF, so they're going to get to figure out what organization we're going to put money to for that."

Leavelle McCampbell used a grant from the state department of education to purchase pottery wheels to help the students make the bowls that attendees will take home.

"Everything claywise is made by Leavelle students," Weeks said. "All of these face bowls that children did not claim, they will be put out. So anybody who purchases a tickets, comes in and eats all the food they want and then they'll go into our bowl room, choose a bowl and that will be their visual reminder of the empty bowl."

Cheyenne Owen, a seventh-grader, made one of the bowls. She said it felt good to be involved in something that helps others.

"It kind of feels like you're part of it because you're able to help with the program and being able to help those in need and those who want to support it," Owen said.

Seventh-grader Avery Waters and sixth-graders Yeimy Gomez and Kearsten Coleman agreed with Owen that it felt good knowing they were helping people that might not have a lot.

A silent auction also will be held as part of the event. To make a donation, whether food from a a restaurant or to the silent auction, email Weeks at swren@acpsd.net.

The Valley Empty Bowl event will be held from 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Feb. 11 in the cafeteria at Leavelle McCampbell Middle School. Tickets are $20 and include soup and a handmade ceramic bowl created by students. Tickets can be purchased in advance in the school office, 1120 Weldon Way, Graniteville; the ACTS locations at 401 Hayne Ave. and 50 Canal St., Graniteville. The stores are open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Tickets also will be available at the event.