‘Lengthy search’ for Modesto Junior College president is nearing its end. Meet the finalists

Modesto Junior College has named four finalists in its search for a full-time president.

It’s the second time this year the community college has attempted to hire someone for the position.

Modesto Junior College has the highest CEO turnover rate out of all 116 community colleges in California.

If a president is chosen from the list of finalists, he or she will be the 18th person appointed to fill the college’s top administrative spot since 2000 — including interim presidents.

MJC also has had turnover recently among other top administrators.

“The Board of Trustees is aware of the turnover and has been looking for possible solutions,” Yosemite Community College District Chancellor Henry Yong told The Modesto Bee. “The board is exploring various ideas, but the solution would likely be multifaceted and it may include a combination of future compensation, benefits and other potential employment incentives.”

The YCCD board, which governs MJC and Columbia College, is having difficulty finding a suitable person to fill that position.

A community member sent a question to Bee Curious, a series in which Modesto Bee journalists answer reader questions, asking why and “what standards” are being applied to the search.

Here are the college’s presidential finalists, and what the process to find them has been like:

Modesto Junior College has not had a permanent president since Santanu Bandyopadhyay was fired in December after 18 months in the position.
Modesto Junior College has not had a permanent president since Santanu Bandyopadhyay was fired in December after 18 months in the position.

How long has Modesto Junior College been searching for next president?

Following former Modesto Junior College President Santanu Bandyopadhyay’s termination in December, longtime MJC professor Chad Redwing stepped in to lead the college on an interim basis.

Since Redwing served as interim president, he was not eligible for the permanent position.

The district conducted a search for the new leader during the school’s spring semester, which gathered interest from “21 qualified applicants,” Yong said.

Three finalists were chosen by the YCCD Board of Trustees, but the board ultimately decided none were right for the job.

This semester, the district’s search collected “19 qualified applicants,” four of which are still in the running.

Yong said he wanted to give the community a more prominent role in the selection of the next MJC president, and added more community members to the search committees to reach that goal.

“It is hoped that these additional opportunities of community participation, at both the first and final levels, will enable the community to have a greater sense of being stakeholders in the college and district, and being part of the solution of finding a high-quality educational leader who will hopefully stay for the long-term,” Yong said.

Who are finalists for community college president?

The YCCD search committee interviewed nine semifinalists, narrowing the list to four finalists.

The 17-person semifinal search committee received current and comprehensive equal employment opportunity training from California Labor Solutions CEO Shawn Larry, Yong said.

“This (was) to ensure that all members of the committee, including those from the community, would receive the same high-quality EEO training,” Yong said.

The four finalists in the search for the next Modesto Junior College president, according to a news release from the district, are:

Brian Sanders

Dr. Brian Sanders is one of four finalists in the search for the next Modesto Junior College president.
Dr. Brian Sanders is one of four finalists in the search for the next Modesto Junior College president.

Brian Sanders is the interim vice president for instruction at MJC and has served in teaching and administrative roles in the district for nearly 30 years. He began as a math instructor and later became dean of the Science, Math and Engineering Division before serving as vice president for instruction at Columbia College.

John al-Amin

Dr. John al-Amin is one of four finalists in the search for the next Modesto Junior College president.
Dr. John al-Amin is one of four finalists in the search for the next Modesto Junior College president.

John al-Amin is the vice chancellor for finance and administration at City College of San Francisco. He has also worked in the California State University and University of California systems in roles related to instruction, student services and administrative services.

Lilia Chavez

Lilia Chavez is the vice president of student services at Merritt College in Oakland, and said she is committed to collaborating with underrepresented, underprepared and underserved communities. She also worked at San Francisco State University and spent more than 10 years as a college teacher.

Lisa Cooper Wilkins

Dr. Lisa Cooper Wilkins is one of four finalists in the search for the next Modesto Junior College president.
Dr. Lisa Cooper Wilkins is one of four finalists in the search for the next Modesto Junior College president.

Lisa Cooper Wilkins is the vice chancellor of student affairs at City College of San Francisco. Her previous positions include assistant superintendent/vice president of student services at Delta College in Stockton, dean of academic affairs at Community College of Philadelphia, assistant vice president for diversity and community engagement at University of Pacific and interim assistant provost at UOP.

Public can question MJC president finalists at forum

The four finalists will come to Modesto on Monday for interviews with the finalist search committee and to participate in public forums, YCCD’s news release said.

Members of the community are invited to attend the forums, which will be held in the YCCD Board Room, 2201 Blue Gum Ave. A livestream will be available on the district’s YouTube channel.

The finalists will have an opportunity to make opening statements, speak briefly on a topic of their choice and answer questions from the audience, Yong said.

The audience can submit written input on the finalists to the chancellor, he said.

Here’s what time each finalist’s forum will be on Monday:

  • Lilia Chavez: 9:15 to 10:15 a.m.

  • Lisa Cooper Wilkins: 10:25 to 11:25 a.m.

  • John al-Amin: 2:15 to 3:15 p.m.

  • Brian Sanders: 3:25 to 4:25 p.m.

After final interviews and reviews of the input received at the public forums, the chancellor will submit a candidate to the board for consideration and approval. That could take place at the board’s Dec. 13 meeting, according to a timeline on the district’s website.

The new president could start Jan. 1.

“It’s a lengthy process,” Yong said. “Our hope is certainly that the next president would establish roots in the area, become part of the community, actively engage with the community and build partnerships with the community.”

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