How to Use Less Plastic in Your Kitchen

We already tote reusable bags to the grocery store and shop for bulk items when we can, yet from the organic chicken breasts packaged in plastic cling at the butcher counter to the plastic food containers we store food in at home, there is an overwhelming amount of plastic used in our kitchens. Start thinking about all that plastic and it's hard to unsee it. What's more, plastic products tend to get used just once before ending up in a landfill where it negatively impacts the planet and even possibly our health.

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The United Nations has declared the plastic pollution of our oceans "a planetary crisis." Each year, about eight million tons of plastic waste (the equivalent of setting five garbage bags full of trash on every foot of coastline around the world) ends up in oceans our, according to National Geographic. And scientists now estimate that more than half of the world's population might have plastic passing through their bodies, although they're unsure what all that plastic is doing to us. There are small steps we can take to dramatically reduce the use of plastic in our everyday life, ultimately helping to protect our health and the planet. Here's how to start reducing the amount plastic used in your kitchen right now.

Related: How to Reduce Food Waste in Your Kitchen

First, Be Kind to Yourself

It is so easy to become frustrated when trying to reduce your plastic usage on your grocery shopping trip. My personal pet peeve is organic cauliflower wrapped in plastic. Realize that you're not going to be able to quit all plastic at once. That's perfectly fine, and every little bit you do stop using helps. Start with what works for you.

Reduce the Plastic in Your Kitchen While You're Shopping

The next step to reducing the plastic use in your kitchen is simply changing the way you shop. Starting by planning meals before you heading to the store, so you shop with a focused list of things you need. This will also help you reduce the amount of food you waste. Farmers' markets, zero-waste stores, and bulk-food aisles at traditional grocery stores make it easy to purchase only the quantity of ingredients you need while using reusable containers. But if those shopping options aren't available to you or aren't possible in the scoop of your normal routine, there are still steps you can take.

"Try making it a game," says Karen Ricks, head chef at Our Kitchen Classroom, which shares cooking tips and lessons from kitchens around the world. "Rather than simply grabbing your regular products at the local market, try to see how many items you can replace that have no plastic in their packaging." Buy freshly baked bread from a local bakery to take home in your reusable bag rather than buying commercially-baked bread in a plastic bag. Select fresh produce, sold individually, and use reusable produce bags like those from Vandoona ($13.95, instead of those thin plastic bags. You can also skip the bag entirely. You're going to wash those fruits and vegetables when you get home anyway. Buy condiments, beverages, and other items in glass versus plastic containers and buy them in the biggest size you can. And instead of buying individually wrapped items, buy the biggest full-size option—looking at you single-serve yogurt and snack-sized chip bags. You can always portion them into reusable to-go containers at home.

How to Reduce Your Plastic Usage While Cooking

The more you cook whole foods the less plastic you'll use in your kitchen, but there are other adjustments to your routine that you can make. When marinating anything or prepping your ingredients, use glass bowls and reusable storage items so you're not wasting single use plastics.

How to Reduce Plastic Use When Storing Food

When you do need to store leftovers or ingredients, it's all about your mindset. It's so easy to throw away a single-use bag or two rather than wash several bowls, but try to get into the habit of using glass or metal storage containers. Cover bowls or containers with reusable silicone covers, like those from Unwasted ($14.99,, or with a beeswax wrap—we like Bee's Wrap ($16,—instead of plastic wrap. Rather than single-use ones, use washable silicone bags—they are available in multiple sizes, as large as 64 oz, from brands including Stasher ($19.99, Eventually, it will become routine and while you might spend more time washing dishes or loading the dishwasher, you'll also end up with less household waste. Plus, many metal and glass storage containers can have dual purposes as mixing bowls or baking pans, helping to reduce kitchen clutter.

Speaking of Kitchen Cleaning

Did you know most typical kitchen sponges are made from a type of plastic called polyurethane which cannot be recycled? Swap your regular kitchen sponge for one made of plant-based materials or other options, such as Swedish dish towels ($7, or recyclable copper scrubbers ($6.50,