Let's don't be another Broward; no aid for gender-affirming care: Letters, Sept. 11, 2022

We didn't want to be like Broward years ago — and we still don't

Driving back from Sanibel Island on the Gulf, we turned on Route 714, the Martin Grade Scenic Highway. Miles of beautiful, century old oaks canopy flanked by ranches and open lands.  Beautiful ride. Starting from Stuart/Palm City, it is roughly from I-95 west to State Route 710.

Take a ride out. On the return, picture the road with strip malls, a Walmart, a Home Depot. Apartment complexes, a shooting range, fast oil change and drive-thru car wash and at least one warehouse. Picture a four corners that mirrors Monterey at Kanner. No more canopy. Room for severe traffic congestion, though, from a pro-growth BOCC replacing the grass and oaks with asphalt and concrete.

When we moved here in 1996, the direction on development was smart growth. The comp plan was the reference. The clarion call was “We don’t want to be like Broward!”  If you have driven in Broward from Fort Lauderdale to Weston, you understand.  Apparently, the Sept. 13 BOCC meeting will be pivotal for land beyond the Urban Services Boundary. If the vote is pro-growth in some composition, the floodgates are opened. We cannot unscramble the egg.

Just to give you a sense of what that would mean, look at Martin County's proposed development projects, where there are 117 approved and 51 In review. Seems like a lot of projects for a small county.

I keep asking myself, “Who is really in charge here?” The answer that keeps coming back: the ones with all the money.

Robert M. Hinkelman, Stuart

Demonstrators protest before a county commission meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 16, 2021, outside the Martin County Administrative Center in Stuart. The meeting culminated with a vote on proposed changes to the Comprehensive Growth Management Plan that could affect future development across Martin County.
Demonstrators protest before a county commission meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 16, 2021, outside the Martin County Administrative Center in Stuart. The meeting culminated with a vote on proposed changes to the Comprehensive Growth Management Plan that could affect future development across Martin County.

Decision that could change Sebastian's face and future is coming up soon

Sebastian City Council is about to vote to change the character of the city for decades to come — without a clear plan, without advice and guidance from a competent planning consultant, without strong community input (two workshops just don’t do it), and without collaboration with local and state agencies.

The city council and their planning and zoning commission meet Sept. 13 and Sept. 15 respectively. The first meeting will likely approve the annexation of over 1,900 plus acres owned by Graves Bros. They may delay this and table the approval until December. The second meeting will likely approve the future land use plan for the annexed land. Both elements will probably be voted on together on Dec. 14.

Four local environmental groups have issued a statement on the proposed annexation. They are critical of the city and Graves Bros. for not preparing a detailed plan for the 1,900 plus acres proposed to be annexed.

The environmental groups argue that there should be a plan that protects the headwaters of the St. Sebastian River, protects open-space, and provides community amenities.

The four environmental organizations are Friends of St. Sebastian River, Indian River Neighborhood Association, Clean Water Coalition of Indian River County, and Pelican Island Audubon Society. They are concerned about the future impact on our community. It is clear that they don’t know what the development will look like because there is no plan.

What most municipalities understand is that you don’t give away development entitlements without knowing what you’re getting in return. We are urging the city to draft a strong annexation agreement that protects our quality of life and our pocketbooks.

We urge city and county residents to contact your public officials in Sebastian and in the County Commission to let them know your concerns.

Graham Cox, Sebastian

You are not alone: Help is there for those thinking of suicide

You are not alone. Help is available.

September marks Suicide Prevention Month. A national poll conducted in 2020 found that while 95% of Americans surveyed would do something if someone close to them was thinking about suicide, almost 70% of respondents identified barriers that keep them from discussing suicide with others.

These barriers included not knowing what to say, not knowing where to turn for help, or not feeling comfortable with the topic. As a result of the pandemic, however, the majority of those surveyed say that it is more important than ever to make suicide prevention a national priority. In addition, more than half of Americans are now more open to talking about their own mental health.

We are listening.

As a behavioral healthcare provider right here in Martin County, our team at Coral Shores Behavioral Health is dedicated to #BeThere in a manner that promotes hope, resiliency, connectedness and recovery. Mental health services, evidence-based treatments and support are available. We are listening and we can help.

If someone is experiencing an emotional crisis or thoughts of suicide, 24/7 assessments are available by contacting us directly. Further, public helplines include 988, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline that provides 24/7 no-cost and confidential

support for individuals in distress, including prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones. Simply call or text 988, or chat at 988lifeline.org. For The Veterans Crisis Line for U.S. military veterans, call 988, press 1.

We want our community to know we are in this together. Each of us has a role to play in suicide prevention, not only during the month of September but all year long.


Stephen C. Quintyne is CEO of Coral Shores Behavioral Health.

Martin County should close loopholes and outlaw impact to wetlands

The Martin County Comprehensive Plan in Policy 9.1G.3, Wetlands, lists Roebuck Creek along with other creeks and natural areas as wetlands of special concern and further states "special consideration and additional protection will be required to assure protection of these special wetland areas."

I live along Roebuck Creek and recently have witnessed native vegetation being removed including palms, trees, and understory on an adjacent lot. I was told by county staff that the lot being cleared is a "lot of record" and platted prior to 1982 which exempts the comprehensive plan regulations from being enforced.

Meanwhile, the cleared areas have now been overrun with the exotic air potato vine due to the removal of the existing ground cover and trees. The lot owner has used herbicides in an effort to kill the vine which has undoubtedly went into the creek which flows into the south fork of the St. Lucie River. Now the area, once full of native vegetation, has been sodded with St. Augustine grass which will require mowing, fertilization and the use of additional herbicides to maintain.

I urge the Martin County Commission to direct staff to close this loophole in the regulations to protect our creeks and watershed areas by outlawing any impacts to the listed wetlands of special concern without regard to when the lot was platted. The Comprehensive Plan the County claims as one of the strongest environmental guidelines in the state is laid bare if a property owner can wholesale clear a wetland of special concern such Roebuck Creek, apply herbicides that can harm the river, and install a non-native grass which will require additional impacts to the natural environment as a result of additional fertilization and herbicide applications.

Greg Boggs, Stuart

August Dekker, a 28-year-old transgender man from Hernando County, is a plaintiff in a lawsuit challenging Florida's Medicaid exclusion of gender-affirming care.
August Dekker, a 28-year-old transgender man from Hernando County, is a plaintiff in a lawsuit challenging Florida's Medicaid exclusion of gender-affirming care.

Medicaid, government faces bigger issues than gender-affirming care

When do we say enough is enough? Or really, way too much?

Your front page article about four transgender Floridians suing Medicaid is appalling.

They are suing because the surgery procedures are too expensive for their elective surgeries.

Perhaps the doctors' licenses should be reviewed to ascertain if they are still of sound mind in declaring the procedures necessary. Being of sound mind is precisely why I am writing this.

Our country is experiencing all kinds of problems, and to a large extent, our elected officials are looking to resolve problems in all the wrong places. We have mass shootings, homelessness that's out of control, all time high crime, overcrowded jails, legal and illegal drug problems, predominantly being caused by a problem that no one is really addressing. Our country has a mental health crisis that is not being addressed.

It took four years for someone I know who is bipolar to finally make some progress. That person was denied Medicaid three times, on initial filing and then also upon two appeals. For those four years that person was incapable of working, extremely depressed to the point of not leaving bed, and had no assets or income. The $6,000 Obamacare deductible that needed to be satisfied first was another example of looking the wrong way. And that person is not alone.

So instead of our government funding a national mental heath agency that will help with all of the above problems (and others too) we are wasting more and more money in all of the wrong places — like elective surgeries. We need to say enough is enough and help those in need, which will simultaneously help heal our national problems.

Ben Dispenziere, Vero Beach

Negativity is toxic: Chill out for your own sake and for those around you

I'm sure everyone knows a bully. Maybe from school days, maybe someone in your workplace, maybe someone on the national scene or maybe even someone in your own neighborhood.

It could be a neighbor, a "friend," a spouse. You know, the kind of person who constantly harasses people, who belittles others to build themselves up. Someone who is hoping to get a rise out of you by little by little, picking away at you. Little by little, poking you with a stick, hoping to "engage" you. Someone who won't let things go. Who won't accept reality. Don't you know someone like that?

Well, they are out there. They live among us. Someone who just can't agree to respectfully disagree, accept a decision that doesn't go their way. Someone who thinks they know it all when actually they know so little?

Surely, you must know someone like that, or maybe you are someone like that. Someone who is a name-caller, an egotist, a little know-it-all. Someone who is disgruntled, who acts like a little, spoiled child when things don't go their way.

Well, don't let them get to you. They are the little people. How little must they think of themselves to be so belligerent. How little must they think of others to be so rude, abusive and impolite.

To these people, I say: Enough already; give it up. Take a little time to look at yourself.  Take a little time for some introspection. Critically evaluate you actions, you behavior, and then stop the negativity and focus on being a better person. Negativity is poisonous. It can ruin your health; it can ruin your life.

I have to believe that little by little, taking baby steps, you can become a better person if only you make a little effort and give it a little time. Take a chill pill before you bust an aorta. After all, doesn't beating a dead horse get exhausting? I would think so, but then that's only my opinion.

Julie Eisdorfer, Vero Beach

This article originally appeared on Treasure Coast Newspapers: No to Broward-style growth; take a chill pill: Letters, Sept. 11, 2022