Letter to the Editor

Congressional spending is insanity

Ah Humbug, it’s Christmas time and yet I am in financial quicksand. My yearly income is around $100,000, yet my credit card and mortgage debt is about $900,000 and my monthly credit card payments eat up my income. Unfortunately, my spouse is out Christmas shopping lavishly utilizing our credit cards. It is imperative that we visit a marriage counselor pronto.

In my story I represent the American taxpayer who is about to suffer the consequences of a reckless Congress and my spouse represents the Congress that is spending insanely. The marriage counselor represents the Convention of the States organization that has a plan to rein in the spending insanity in Washington. Nineteen states have approved the COS plan and Ohio would be the 20th state. Thirty-four states are needed to call for a Convention of the States outlined in the U.S. Constitution, and 38 states are required to ratify the plan.

The U.S. debt clock website documents the spending insanity and financial quicksand our Congress is getting us into. Our national debt is about $31 trillion (not including unfunded liabilities of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid). Annual federal spending is about $6 trillion while income and payroll taxes amount to around $4 trillion. Members of Congress should be required to take a remedial math class.

Gary Woodburn, Zanesville

This article originally appeared on Zanesville Times Recorder: Letter to the Editor: Congressional spending is insanity