Letter to the editor: April 9, 2023

Letter to the Editor
Letter to the Editor

Give more during Easter

Christmas and Easter are the two biggest holiday celebrations in a Christian's life. Let me give a quick and very basic definition of a Christian's faith: belief in God the Father, belief in Jesus Christ and belief in the Holy Spirit! Belief in Jesus's immaculate conception, crucifixion, resurrection and His expectant return some day. (Regardless of religious denomination – we can all agree on the fundamentals listed above.) Understanding this, I feel like Christmas is over-celebrated and Easter is under-celebrated.

At Christmas, we tend to be more generous with our money, giving to charities, assisting people in need within and outside of our faith communities, volunteering for events, reaching out to neighbors and relatives, gift-giving, etc. Even businesses get involved with financial and material donations, usually with a tax benefit, as year-end approaches.

I see little of this type of activity during the Easter season: a time of reflection, sacrifice, forgiveness and celebration.

Where are our acts of mercies and grace during this period of time? Are we giving outside of our normal tithe? Are we assisting those in need within and outside of our faith communities? Are we volunteering? Are we reaching out to neighbors and relatives? The same passion, dedication and joy that we put into the Christmas season should be on display in preparing for Easter (aka Resurrection Sunday). Arguably, even more so.

My heart cry to my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ is to give sacrificially this season. Whether it is time or money, let us put our gifts and talents to work outside of our own little world with even more passion, dedication and joy of this past Christmas. Our light should not fizzle out … it should shine brighter.

Peace be with you!

Jennifer Hunt


This article originally appeared on The Monroe News: Letter to the editor: April 9, 2023